Chapter 37 - Contact

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The sun had set by the time land had appeared in the distance, stars scattered across the dark sky around the bright glowing moon.

Silica was changed into dark blue skinny jeans and a black shirt that said 'I hate rules' on the front, her dark brown hair pulled into two pigtails. She was just hanging out inside of Bubbly's room on the ship, since Bubbly was steering the ship and Silica didn't feel like watching her. And some of the crew members were kind of weird and unusual, not a creepy kind of weird, just a weird type that she's not used to. The cloaked one sang "Tra la la" while following her, and another chanting ships over and over, it was a weird experience indeed.

But, after around a minute of sitting there bored and alone, she decided to snoop around.

It's what she did. She was naturally curious, she couldn't help it.

Well she could, but she wouldn't.

Don't get her wrong, she was extremely happy with Bubbly for helping her, she really was. But if living at the Kingdom had taught her anything, it's that you can't trust someone immeadiatly after meeting them. She's had two boyfriends try to steal from her in the first date, and a lot of 'friends' try to back stab her over the years. If there's one thing she knows, it's that she has to learn about people.

Usually she asks around with some good sources, but she doesn't know all of these people, so it wouldn't look good if she just started asking around.

So snooping would be a good idea.

It's always a good idea.

The room was small, and it probably just was a room she used for long journies, but it was still personalized. The walls had blue bubbles drawn on them, the bed was messy and ruffled, and the drawers were full of stuff.

She started off with the dresser, which was just full of non-folded clothes. They were just lazily shoved in, but still were somehow somewhat organized. There was nothing hidden underneath the clothes except for a few pens, so she moved onto looking inside the filing cabinet in the corner, which was empty. There was also the nightstand which Silica rumaged through next, but that only held some random books, an empty notebook, and a hairbrush.

"She has nothing here at all? What the heck?" Silica grumbled, running a hand over her face.

Her dark blue eyes then drifted to the bed, where she could see the edge of a bin underneath it.

"There we go," Silica muttered, getting onto her hands and knees before pulling out the large purple bin.

There was some more interesting things in there. A few old stuffed animals, a few random notebooks full of doodles, and even a few metals of honor that said achievements in sailing and science. But the thing that peaker Silica's interest was the large binder at the bottom, with no title or anything, and with a picture sticking out of the corner.

So Silica grabbed the picture and pulled it out.

The first thing she noticed was a younger Bubbly, who was smiling widly at the camera. Her hair wasn't dyed with the purple then, but she didn't seem any less energetic than now.

Next to her was someone Silica could recall seeing, someone she saw at the party.

It was a skeleton, she knew that for sure. She reconigzed the eyes and the round head, but she didn't place who they were exactly. They looked younger in this picture, and were holding something in their hands, but she couldn't place who they were. She did see them at the party thing Asgore threw, she knew that.

So who was it, and why were they at the party in the Kingdom then?

"You shouldn't really be snooping around in Captain Bubbly's quarters," A female's voice said.

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