Chapter 21 - Ink Realizes

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"How am I going to get through there?" Ink asked Cross, tilting his head to the side, "They'll see my outfit is worth 1,000 gold-"

"That costed 1,000 gold to make?" Cross interrupted, his eye sockets widening from surprise.

"They'll surely attack me," Ink finished, ignoring Cross.

"Don't blame them, that much gold would drive any servant to dive for it, especially if they had a family."

Ink looked over questionly at him.

"Why especially if they have a family?" He asked.

"Well, because you wouldn't want your family to starve!" Cross said, "When you're in my rank of society, we usually don't get food. And it's even harder fir families to get food, so if someone had that much money, they'd probably use it for food, Sir."

Ink stared at Cross for a moment, looking over his facial features and observing him as he talked. Then, with a sigh, he straightened up.

"Don't call me Sir anymore, I'm starting to figure out how warped this system really is," Ink said, "Just call me by my name."

"Of course," Cross said, smiling at Ink.

Ink couldn't believe that some people didn't even have enough gold for food for their families. He had thought servants were servants because they had bad and harming intentions, thus they were sent to be servants. Ink didn't have a family growing up, he was an orphan who never obtained a soul, thus no emotions. He had grown up in the rich part of the Kingdom, so he had always assumed that there was a reason why the rich were rich and the poor was poor.

But, in the last couple of days, Ink had witnessed some things that said otherwise. He had saw a maid get abused for simply looking at someone, which he thought was over the top. He knew that Asgore wasn't a good King, judging by his sexism, but seeing everything else, he just knew Asgore wasn't worthy of even being near the castle, or even alive for that matter.

No family should starve.

When Ink had first recieved emotions, he wanted to share them with someone. Anyone. However, since he had been emotionless before, he had no friends, and he also had no family.

He had been an outcast.

Ink had retaliated by believing what people had said about servants, that they deserved to be looked down upon. He didn't know how they lived their lives, but he always thought they had small houses and a stable food suppy, not this.

The houses were worn down, falling apart.

Most of them didn't even have doors, instead rippsed cloths dangling down in the doorframes.

Some of the houses had large holes in the walls.

This wasn't what he thought they lived like.

He couldn't believe that he ever believed that, that they were living an alright life. Looking at the town, he wanted to give them the gold from his storage, let them have hope.

Let them be able to survive.

He didn't want to treat them like garbage ever again, he had no excuse to treat anybody like that.

Cross could see that Ink was starting to understand what was really happening in the world, it was in his pupils. They weren't the usual shapes that Ink had while on his medication, they were instead a red question mark and a blur angry mark, signs that he was upset at the information he was gaining.

How Ink didn't know how the Kingdom truly was ran was confusing to Cross, but at least he was gaining the truth.

To be honest, Cross was curious to see how Ink would be when his emotions wore off, but Cross also didn't want Ink to suffer. He couldn't imagine not having a soul, the mere thought terrified him.

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