Chapter 35

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"Gilbert!" Anne called as she raced out of the room after him.
"Gilbert!" She yelled again whilst frantically searching the corridor.
She then saw a figure walking away.
She ran after it.
"Gilbert..." she parted whilst tapping him on the shoulder.
He turned around.
His normal cute smile and twinkling hazel eyes were dim and frowning.
"Seriously Anne was that really necessary?" He glared in anger and embarrassment.
"I was only trying to..."
He laughed mockingly before she could finish her sentence.
"That's the problem Anne. You interfere when it's not needed. You embarrassed me infront of everyone, look at you...your not even sorry about it"
Anne was shocked at Gilbert's out burst.
"Gilbert i..."
"Forget it...your just a kid you only think about yourself."
And with that he walked away.
Like a shadow in the distance.
Anne was left standing alone in the hallway.
Tears pouring down her cheeks.
She ran.
Ran straight past Gilbert who was still walking.
She ran home.
To an empty home.
As she got in she legged it upstairs and flopped down onto her bed and wept, praying that by tomorrow it would all blow over and Gilbert would forgive her for embarrassing him.

This is shit
Sorry I just haven't updated in a while and I felt like it was necessary.

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