Chapter 4

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Ugh she's so beautiful.
Her fiery red hair, her passion for the world, the way she argues with me. It drives me crazy.

I'm bored in class as Miss is going over all the things we learnt last year, I can tell she is too.
i glance down at my spare sheet of paper and i get an idea. smirking to myself and begin to scribble down words.

Dearest Carrots 🥕
I love thou fiery red hair and how thou rolls thous eyes at thee, thou is truly wonderful xo
Your Apple Gilbert

I throw the note at her and it bounces off her body and lands at her feet. I watch her eyes twitch and glimpse at me, she sighs and picks up the note. I clench my jaw

—hey guys i just imagined Lucas doing the jaw clench and i just went to heaven—

I hold the dreaded note in my hand i wonder what actual crap hes written
Dearest Carrots 🥕
I love thou fiery red hair and how thou rolls thous eyes at thee thou is truly
wonderful xo
Your Apple Gilbert

Ugh God give me strength
I roll my eyes and glance at his grinning face.
I smirk to myself and write back.

I watch as Anne scribbles something down in reply and she throws it at me.

Please go fuck yourself and leave me be and also please never refer to yourself as 'Your apple' i nearly died of cringe.
Hate, Anne

I'm stunned that she actually wrote that down
But I don't hesitate and I reply quick

Another note soon lands at my feet I'm much more hesitant at picking it up

Dear Princess
Will you join me? ;)

I start full on laughing in the middle of the lesson Gilbert chuckles too before realising that the whole class is watching.

"Anne is there something funny going on? Would you like to share it with the class?" Miss says as she struts to my desk and snatches the note from my hand

"Please go.... fuck..yourself Gilbert ... will you join me..... winky face..." she hesitantly reads all the notes out looking more appalled by the minute. The whole class is in peals of giggles by now I can't take it I CANT i stand up and flee from the classroom leaving my backpack and books at my desk...

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