Chapter 42

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Anne awoke to her stomach churning, her eyes widened immediately in panic- she could feel it bubbling in the pit of her stomach as the taste started to be recognised in her mouth. She clambered quickly out of bed as she ran to the nearest bathroom and proceeded to throw up in the toilet.

She breathed heavily as she slumped herself onto the floor, the taste of sick still haunting her mouth.
What's wrong with me?

She rubbed the sleepy dust from her eyes as she pulled herself off the floor, she was immediately hit with a wave of dizziness and the want to cry and eat.

Her hands held her stomach as she only just realised how ravenously hungry she was. Anne made her way downstairs, her head pounding.
She poured herself a big bowl of porridge and decided she craved to put strawberries, bananas, chocolate and sprinkles on it- it was unusual Anne was this hungry.

She ate the large bowlful with ease, before proceeding to run and throw up again.

Anne decided against going to school today, she clearly has a sickness bug- although when she has them it normally stops her from eating lots and she normally feels sick the whole time and has a temperature but this is not the case this time around.

Anne tucked herself back in bed and drifted off to sleep as she rubbed her belly.



Anne's eyelashes fluttered open as she awoke to two large shiny eyes peering down at her.

"Diana..." Anne murmured as she sat up slowly, touching her head as it began pounding.

"What are you doing? We are going to be late for school?" Diana looked at Anne with worry. Anne glanced at her bedside clock: 7:30am.
It has only been half an hour.

Anne groaned and rubbed her sleepy eyes.
"I'm ill Diana." Anne sighed as Diana's eyebrows rose, Diana placed her hand on Anne's head.

"You don't have a temperature..." Diana was confused.

"I don't know what's wrong with me Diana...." A tear rolled down her cheek as she lowered her head.

Diana rubbed Anne's arm softly, her eyes showed deep concern.

"What are you on about Anne, you're scaring me..."

"My heads been pounding, I've been throwing up every morning and sometimes during the day, I've been so so hungry and I just feel overwhelmed with my emotions. I can't diagnose a illness Diana, am I dying?"
Anne's eyes filled with tears as the thought of her dying and her friends attending her bleak funeral entered her mind.

Anne lifted her head to see Diana's eyes widened in shock.
"Oh Anne..." she muttered "I- I- don't think your ill..." she gave Anne a look of pure sympathy.

"Oh thank god." Anne grinned with relief, although the pounding in her head had increased.
"But wait what do you think it is?"

Diana glanced at the floor, she was unsure about how to tell Anne.

"Anne, when was the last time you and Gilbert...ya know... did it?" Diana flushed red at what she was insinuating.

Anne furrowed her eyebrows, she was confused on how this mattered to the current conversation they were having.

"Uhm...well the last time we did it was two weeks ago but we have been doing it on and off since two months ago." Anne bit her lip hoping Diana wouldn't be judgemental.

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