Chapter Three

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"Thanks for getting me out, you took your time though", I said playfully. Clive smiled at my comment.
"Don't mention it darling, you know I'll always have your back. I went to grab a burger first.. and I get us these". He put his hand in his pocket and took out two phones, which looked very expensive.
"Where did you get these? Nevermind that question, how the hell did you pay for it?" I asked him, he handed me the phone. Damn, this thing is huge. How is this supposed to fit in my pocket?
"I didn't. I stole them, obviously."
"And how didn't you get caught? You didn't kill the people who work there, did you?!"
"Relax, Ali. I shut down the cameras and the alarm. No one saw a thing. I entered the store, shut everything down, grabbed the phones and left. It's no big deal. Besides, we need this right now. We have to stay in touch, just in case something happens." Clive said calmly. He did a good job. For a second I thought that we would get caught, but we won't.

"Okay fine, good job. Where are the others? Did they find a hideout?" We all split up, but we decided to meet up at 6pm. We all had something to do first. After dealing with that, we would meet up at a diner to discuss our plan.
"They all went to their parents, to say hello or goodbye. Gabe is gonna get his keys for his lakehouse, we can crash there."
"I guess Gabe is saying 'goodbye'?" I wasn't surprised, Gabe hated his parents. They were business people like my parents, but they didn't care about Gabe. They also turned him in, he always used to say that he would kill his parents when he gets out. I guess that day is today.
"Oh you know he's gonna kill them, he's a psychopath. Anyway, enough about Gabe. Are you gonna tell your folks 'goodbye'?"
I didn't know. I hated my parents for what they did. But killing them? I never thought of it before.
"I will say goodbye, but I won't kill them. I'll give them a piece of my mind and that's all. No killing" I said, I'm not a murderer and I want to keep it that way.
"Whatever you want, darling. I'm gonna pay my folks a visit, join me." He reached out his hand. I looked at him, figuring out if he was serious or not. I gave him an uneasy look, I was nervous. He could kill his parents and I did not want to witness that. Clive noticed my uneasiness and he gave me a reassuring smile, letting me know he won't do it. I put my hand on his and we walked to his house.

Clive's POV

She was scared, I could definitely tell. She thought I was gonna kill my parents. I wasn't gonna do it though, not today. After she took my hand we went to my parents' house.

When we arrived, I asked her if she could stay outside.
"Why?" She asked me, she sounded upset.
"Trust me, you don't wanna hear this." These were the only words I said before making my way to the porch.
"Hey, good luck" she said while giving me a supporting smile. I felt better when she did that, it was like all the tension just left my mind and body.
I nodded before opening the door fiercly.

"I'm home" I said viciously while making my way to the living room. I saw my mom and dad looking at me like they saw a ghost. They were shocked, their eyes became wide and their mouths were open.
"Well damn, age didn't do you good old man. You look worse than before." I laughed. Man, he became old but I could still see the coldness in his eyes. "I thought you'd be dead by now" my father said as he stood up from his chair.
"I was about to say the same thing to you". I took a step closer, but he didn't even flinch. My mother however, also stood up and stood next to my father.
"How are you mom..?" I asked her, I never had problems with my mother. Everytime my father would hit me, she came in between. She looked terrified, I didn't see love and relief in her eyes. Just fear.

"A-are you a..." she stammered, she couldn't even say the damn word.
"Yes, mom. I am Gifted."
"Hmph, 'Gifted', you are an IT. An Inhuman-Terrorist." My father said. That word almost made me lose control.
"Don't you dare call me that, old man."
"Or what, kid. What are you..." before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed him by his throat and pulled him closer towards me.
"Now. What should I do to you?" I asked him. My grip wasn't so thight, but it was enough for him to struggle a bit. I looked at the window to see if Alissa could see me. She sat on a bench close to the woods, minding her own business. It's good that she's a bit far away, that way she wouldn't hear the things I'm about to do. I turned my head back to face my father. For the first time in my life, I saw fear in his eyes. Right now, he was the one who was afraid and not me. The tables had turned. I was in control now.
"I wanted to talk it out you know, but you just couldn't shut your mouth. I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to me old man. And also for what you did to my mother"

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