Chapter Sixteen

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"No. Time is precious in this case, Miss Jones. You can rest after that. I expect you both here in two hours." Walker said before he hung up.

"Fucking bastard. Why did we agree with this in the first place?" Clive sighed of anger.

"It sounded like a good idea. And to be honest with you, I knew he wouldn't care about my injury." I said.

"Well, I do. That's why I'll go, you can stay here and rest. I'll keep you updated." he said as he stood up.

"Hold on..." I said as I tried to get out of bed. "I feel better than last night, I want to come too. Besides, Walker would freak out if you show up alone...he wants me, not you."

He looked at me for a minute and shook his head. He was thinking about what he should do, because he knows I'm right.

"Fine. But if you start to feel bad again, we're leaving immediately. Deal?" he said as he reached out his hand.

"Deal." I smiled as I shook his hand.

We had a little moment there, he didn't let go of my hand. Our eyes met and we began to smile, moments like these make me realise how much he means to me. He took a step forward to close the gap between us, his bright blue eyes met my green ones and his face lit up. This is it, he's either going to kiss or hug me.

Or neither.

He let go of my hand and took a step back as he sighed. He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

Of course, we have to keep our distance. I don't get it, he hates it more than I do. Then why doesn't he just stop with it?

"Well... How about you go freshen up? Maybe a bath will help you relax and your burn could heal?" Clive said.

"Is that your way of telling me I smell like crap?" I smiled.

He laughed at my comment and shook his head. "You should take a bath to relax and to heal yourself, not because you smell bad."

"Walker will be mad if we arrive later, I'll just follow his advice. I'll rest when I'm back and I'll take a bath after that." I said.

"Walker can kiss my ass. We'll be there but just a bit later. I don't give a shit if he gets mad or not and neither should you. Just take your time, take all the time you need." he winked before he left my room without saying anything else.

Speak of the devil, Walker texted me the adress. It's not too far away from here, an hour maybe. I guess I have more than enough time to take a bath now.

I went to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water. I decided to keep my arm out of the water, it still hurts and I really don't want to relive yesterday.

I did apply a bit of water over my bandage though. I tried to heal it through the bandage instead of adding water over the burn. It still stung but I guess this way is better than direct contact.

Painkillers would be great right now. I feel better than yesterday but the pain is still overwhelming. I hope Gabe already left to get them.

I leaned my head back against the bathtub and closed my eyes for a minute. I was thinking about the tests Walker had planned for me. If they are anything like the experiments in jail, I'm gonna hurt him back in return. Really bad.

After twenty minutes, I stepped out of the bathtub and got ready. I wasn't in the mood for dressing myself up, so I put on pair of grey sweats and a black top.

I opened the bathroom cabinet and took out the clean bandages and a roll of tape. I carefully removed my bandage and took a look at the burn. There were a few blisters spread over my arm but the redness reduced. It looked nasty, nothing like the burns you'd see in movies and stuff.

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