Chapter Six

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We arrived in the city and we saw a lot of Normals protesting, they held signs in their hands and started yelling things like 'No more terrorists!' and 'Away with you!'.
It made me laugh to be honest, what are they achieving by doing this? Did they really think we would be afraid of some signs? The funny part is that some people actually looked like they were about to pee in their pants. They were terrified, yet they came here to fight for what they believe in.
It was impressive, but stupid. We weren't gonna leave our hometown because they were afraid of us.

I actually came here to let them see we aren't bad people. I wanted to make them understand us, they have believed theories and opinions over facts. I wanted to show them what we can do, protecting and helping them whenever they needed it.
I didn't like their vision about us, they labeled us all as 'bad','dangerous' and 'deadly. No one ever said something positive about us and I hope that will end today.

Clive, Gabe and I made our way past the crowd. They didn't even see the difference between Gifted and themselves. I could stay here yelling with them if I wanted, and they would think I'm with them.
"Stay close and don't stay behind." Clive said. He was focused and alert, he didn't want to take any risk.
I looked around to see if the others were here, I searched for any familiar face. Clive grabbed my hand and led me forward, I noticed that I moved further to the right so he took my hand and kept walking straight. I kept searching for the others, they must be here somewhere. I looked to my right and I saw some familiar faces, it were the others.
"Hey, over there, to the right. There they are." I told Clive and Gabe. They saw them too and walked a bit faster. They were in front of an abandoned building, just laughing and judging people. They were a bit far away, the Normals were too busy to notice them there.
I didn't like any of the Gifted that stood over there, people like them are the ones who start the rumors about us all. They are the ones who are bad, dangerous and deadly and they make us all look bad.

When we arrived, they gasped and their eyes became wide. Not because of Gabe or me, but because of Clive. Like I said before, Clive used to rule WP. People looked up to him and treated him like a god.
He was the boss and everyone always did what he wanted. No one tried to stand up to him, the ones who did ended up dead. The guards never came in between his fights, they had first class seats for the show. So that's why people admire him so much, he's a living legend in their eyes.

"C-Clive, are you here too?" Abigail asked him, she looked so happy it was annoying as hell. Abigail always ran after Clive. They slept together for a few times but Clive didn't see it as something serious. Abigail however, was so obsessed with him that it became scary. She didn't like me at all, wait let me rephrase that: she hates my guts and probably wants me dead.
"Obviously I'm here. What kind of stupid question is that." Clive said in annoyance. Gabe and I tried our best to hold in our laughter. Abigail gave me a death glare, I just laughed and waved to annoy her.

"So, what do you guys have? I need intel on what's happening." Clive said, avoiding the small talk and going straight to the point.
Theo and Alexander talked to him and informed him about what happened.
"So, you're still in the picture? I thought he would have dumped your ass after a few hours of freedom." Abigail said laughing while two other girls were standing behind her, laughing as well.
"Impressive, right? Oh, and since we're talking about asses. Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth. So how about you just shut up and leave me the hell alone?" I said smiling while I crossed my arms, Abigail and her minions didn't see that one coming.
'Ooooooh, burn!" Gabe said as he stood next to me. We raised our arms and gave each other a fist bump while saying 'boom'. Abigail just left without saying another word.
"Holy shit, that was amazing!" Gabe said laughing. We laughed and talked to each other because he also didn't like the others.

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