Chapter Twenty Six

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"My soldier..."

I was trembling to the core when he looked at me with narrowed eyes. Campbell approached me slowly and let his eyes wander over my curled-up body.

This was it. I couldn't even imagine the things he'd do to me. My brain shut down and made me go completely numb.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. Sweat started dripping down from my forehead. The adrenaline gave me a sudden rush, this was a pure fight or flight situation.

And I decided to fight.

Just before Campbell could grab my arm, I took one of the knives I hid under my dress, slashing his left arm open.

Blood flew over the entire floor as he backed away in pain and fell on his knees. He was yelling and groaning in pain like he was about to die.

The cut was deep. It started all the way from his upper arm to his wrist, a stream of blood ran down his arm.

I stabbed him one more time in his calf before I took off and ran back to the Office. Half way there, I twisted my ankle and fell on the ground.

I kicked the heels off my feet and tried to stand up, but the stabbing pain in my ankle made it impossible to move anymore.

But when I saw Campbell standing up and stumbling his way towards me, I ignored the pain and stood up again.

Each step I took felt like I was walking on broken glass. The pain became unbearable and I felt myself getting slower.

I took out the other knife and threw it at him to slow him down, but the new, small cut on his right arm wouldn't keep him away.

Almost there... just a little further...

"Not so fast!" Campbell yelled as I felt a throbbing pain on my scalp.

I screamed and fell back when he pulled the end of my hair back, like a rope during a tug-of-war contest. Campbell pulled me up on my feet and fiercely pushed my body against the wall.

My face was slammed against the wall as he held my arms behind my back with brute force.

I screamed when he pushed his body closer against mine, but he just laughed. He enjoyed this, seeing me quiver in fear and hearing me scream in terror.

My screams became ear-shattering when I felt a painful sting on the side of my neck. Campbell even let me go so he could cover his ears.

Once he backed away, I fell onto my knees as I tried to find it. I didn't feel it anymore. None of it. I even tried to search for mine, but nothing. It was gone...

I didn't feel the water anymore. It was gone... all of it was gone.

"What did you do to me!" I exclaimed, Campbell covered his ears once again.

I was completely out of breath, but I kept screaming at him like it was the only way to get my Gift back.

I tried to control his body, his blood. But I felt nothing... and it was making me go mad. I lost my sanity the second I felt the void in my heart, the place where my Gift used to be.

Without my Gift, I was nothing. I don't know who I amanymore. Just the loss of control made me go insane.

I shot up and hit him as hard as I could, but he swung me off him with one single push.

Tears were streaming down my face, making my vision go blurry. Not only did that make me go practically blind, the rage also did.

Campbell was weakened because of his blood loss. He held his left hand on the cut, but not even half of the cut was covered. He would bleed out soon.

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