Chapter Twenty Five

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Max and I made our way to the top floor of the building, to the Office. I was a prisoner for eight years and I haven't set a single foot in these halls, this floor was forbidden territory. Only a few people were allowed to enter the Office, Walker and the scientist included.

I had no clue what was waiting for me in that room, but it couldn't be good.

"One question is bothering me though... what do you want from me?" I whispered. "Other Crooks have said you wanted me and that they had to deliver me to you... why is that?"

Max became silent for a while, looking straight-ahead to avoid my gaze. His silence scared me, I was afraid of what he might say to break the tiny bit of trust between us.

"It was never my intention to hurt you and I never, ever wanted the others to hurt you as well." Max sighed. "Crooks see me as their leader, like Clive, but less respected. They knew I wanted to talk to you, but all of them assumed I wanted to steal your powers."

"I know it doesn't make any sense, but words spread fast. One tells something and it doesn't take long for others to believe the lies."

Call me crazy, deluded, or whatever you want... but I believe him. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's the sincerety in his voice, the faint hint of regret.

I know how Crooks are, and Max isn't even close to what I refer as a Crook. He isn't hungry for power, bloodthirsty or dangerous. In this short period of time, he has managed to change my mindset about him.

He made mistakes, a lot of them. I won't ever forget the things he's done to me, Gabe and others. I was willing to give him another chance, so he can make up for his past mistakes.

One thing is for sure though, I'll have a little heart to heart with him once we get out of here. He doesn't really want to talk about his mistakes now, maybe he'll tell me later.

"I know it's a lot to take in, especially everything at once..." Max said to break the silence, also changing the topic. "... but you needed to know the truth about the deaths and Campbell."

I simply nodded. "Yeah, thank you for that. You just answered a million questions with just one answer. Everything makes sense now."

"Does that mean you trust me?" Max said after he cleared his throat, as if he already knew what my answer would be.

"No." I said firmly. "But it's a start."

I didn't need to look at him in order to see him smile. He changed my perspective about him, he proved me wrong. I know he still has a long way to go to earn my trust, but so far so good.

Once we stood in front of the Office, Max stopped walking and held his hand on the door to keep it closed. "Don't freak out, okay?"

"I've seen way to much already, trust me, I won't freak out." I said as I grasped the key card out of his hands and slid it through the reader. The red lamp on the monitor turned green and I confidently swung the door open.

The lights switched on automatically and the first thing I saw was a massive, glass cage. It looked like a human-sized hamster cage, there was an old matrass and lots of water bottles on the ground.

I saw a man curled up against the glass with a blanket over his shoulders. He leaned his head against the glass and his eyes were closed, he was asleep.

I walked towards the cage and knelt down to have a better look at the man. His hair was dirty and way too long, it was over shoulder length. His beard was the same, he didn't shave in weeks, probably months.

The man's eyes flashed open and in one quick movement, he crawled towards me. I jumped back in terror and stepped on the edge of my dress, causing me to lose my balance.

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