Chapter Eighteen

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"Okay, that's enough." Clive gasped for air while he tapped out. My arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, my legs over torso to prevent him from breaking free. I smiled proudly when I took him down for the fifth time in a row, I made progress and wanted to show off for once in my life.

"I'm serious, Alissa. Let go!" he growled. I loosened my grip and stood up, Clive stood up right after me. Gabe burst out laughing the entire time, he couldn't hold in his laughter since the beginning.

"Hey, Clive? How does it feel to get your ass kicked by a girl?!" Gabe laughed. When he finished that sentence, I tackled him to the ground. I held his arms behind his back and pushed his head into the grass with a smile. He yelled in pain and started to apologise, begging me to stop.

"I don't know, Miller? How does it feel?" Clive laughed as he held his hand on my shoulder, telling me to let him go.

This is our daily routine since six days ago, the day Walker, Clive and I made the agreement. We woke up, ate breakfast, trained, took a break, ate dinner and slept. We did this over and over again.

"I'm beat, that's enough training for today." Gabe sighed.

"Same, I'm done." Clive said as he walked to the house.

"I'm gonna stay here for another while, I'm not tired yet." I shouted, Gabe and Clive turned around when I said that. Gabe looked at me like I was crazy and shrugged as he left. Clive stared at me for a while before he shook his head and walked towards me.

"You can leave too, you know?" I smiled as I stretched.

"Not without you, darling. You should call it a day as well, you need to rest." Clive said as he grabbed my stuff and waited for me to follow him.

"I'm not tired yet, besides I don-" I stopped talking when I saw him looking at me with raised eyebrows. His look said it all, he thought it was bullshit.

"Come on." Clive laughed. "We've been training for hours, your body needs to rest. Save some energy, we don't want you walking around like a zombie."

"Alright, fine." I sighed before I grasped my jacket and water bottle out of his hands.

We were about to walk back to the house, but Clive stopped mid-way to look behind him. I turned around as well and saw red smoke in the distance, it was coming from the city.

It wasn't a fire that caused the smoke, it looked more like someone lit up a few flares. Maybe there's a game this evening, this town lives for football and they used to light up red flares to cheer for the team.

We ignored the smoke and walked inside the house. We entered the living room and saw Gabe walking down the stairs with a towel around his waist and a huge box in his arms. He dropped the box in front of us and a smiled happily.

"For God's sake, Miller. Put on a damn shirt." Clive said in annoyance, he caught me checking Gabe out and boy he did not like that. Hey can you blame me, Gabe's hot. I won't deny that one.

"My house, man." Gabe shrugged with a smile.

"Training did you good, Gabe. But let's put that aside, what's in the box?" I asked as I kneeled down to open the box. It was filled with clothes and makeup, Abigail's stuff was in there. I looked up and gave Gabe a confused glare, he picked the box back up and smiled again.

"Have a last look, my friends. Because you won't be seeing these ever again. From this day on, Abigail is no longer welcome en mi casa." Gabe said as he walked past us to throw the box outside.

Gabe walked back and gave Clive the perfect high-five, both of them were laughing in victory. They seemed happy. Me? I didn't.

Gabe made his way towards me and raised his hand to give me a high-five as well, but I didn't give him one. I stared at his hand for a few seconds until he slowly brushed it through his wet hair. Both Clive and Gabe looked confused, I stared at them with a slightly mad grin.

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