Chapter Fourteen

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Alissa's POV

I woke up way earlier than I expected, or wanted. After the whole fiasco with Gabe, I wasn't able to sleep properly. I slept around 5 o'clock, and now it's only 8:53am... wonderfull.

Gabe is probably still sleeping like a rock due to the alcohol in his system. I can't believe he told Alec where we live, we all agreed on keeping this place a secret. I didn't even tell my own brother about the location and he decides to tell a complete stranger.

Liam! I'm supposed to have dinner with him tonight! Crap, I completely forgot about that! Hold on...I still have more than enough time to get ready though.

I was about to sleep again when I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand. Speak of the devil, it's Liam. It's 9am, why the hell is he calling now?

"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice, trying to give him a hint to leave me alone so I can go back to sleep.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up. Just wanted to ask you if we can leave around five instead of seven?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem. I'll meet you there"

"Great, see you then. Go back to sleep, little sis" he laughed, causing me to laugh as well. After all these years, he still knows I'm not a morning person. "See you soon" I said as I hung up the phone and tried to sleep again.

After an hour of tossing and turning, I finally gave up. I wasn't gonna fall asleep anymore so I decided to get up. I went to the bathroom to freshen up, I took a look in the mirror and I just shook my head at the view. I looked terrible, I had bags under my eyes and my skin needed a treatment. Maybe Abigail has something, that girl basically has every kind of beauty product.

I went downstairs and noticed that Clive and Gabe didn't wake up yet, like I predicted. I entered the kitchen and saw the mess Gabe made, glass covered the floor and alcohol was spilled on the island.

It took me thirty minutes to clean up the entire kitchen, it was enough time to make me think about what happened. Alec, Gabe's stupid mistake, Clive's behavior... we never had problems like this back in jail.

I needed to clear my head, all of this caused me a major headache. I went to my room, put on a pair of shorts and a top and went outside to go for a run around the lake. I usually do combat training with Gabe or Clive to distract myself, but since they're both sleeping, running will do too. I put on my shoes and started to run with a fast pace, while thinking about the problems I've been through.

Sometimes I ask myself if I made the right choice, maybe I shouldn't have gotten everyone out of jail. Everything went downhill since the day we escaped, we used to live in fear in prison and we still do. We're still afraid. People died, lost friends, family members and partners. In jail, we were practically safe from the outside world. It sucked under the circumstances, but at least we didn't worry about Normals trying to kill us.

If only Clive didn't talk me into this, he convinced me by saying this is what everyone wants and that it's the only safe option. Right, very safe. My safety was his priority, he didn't care about the others and look where we are now. All of this happened because we both wanted me to be safe, I was selfish and others paid the consequences.

After running for 45 minutes, I decided to get back inside. I saw Clive standing in front of the front door, holding it open for me. I saw him checking me out and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Looking good, darling" he said playfully.

"Feeling good" I responded while I walked past him. He's acting like last night didn't happen, his distant behavior against me. Just act like it doesn't bother you, I thought.

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