The Next Day.

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I woke up smiling. I had a great day with Nicole. She kept my mind off Holly. She's my ex girlfriend. She cheated on me. She broke my heart.

Nicole's great though. She's beautiful too. I just don't wanna jump to quick. I do really like her though.

She's waking up now.

"Morning" I whispered.

"Morning Jason. Did you sleep okay? Sorry if I was leaning on you. It was just comfortable" She laughed.

"Yeah I slept well" I laughed. "Now I have Holly in my head again"

"Who's Holly?" She said almost like she was sad and disappointed.

"Shes my ex. She cheated on me and broke my heart." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Jase, I'm sorry. You deserve better. You'll find her someday"

Maybe I've already found her.

I thought to myself. Why am I to shy to say anything. Its probably too soon anyway.

"I think we better get up" she said laughing.

"Yeah and I better text Mum she'll be worried I'll be down in a minute" I smiled.

"Okay Jase. I'll make us pancakes." Then she walked down stairs.

I put back on my t-shirt and jeans. I got my phone out. 2 New Messages.

One from Holly and one from Mum.

I'll read the one from Mum first.
Hey Jason, where are you?x

I text back.
Sorry Mum. I stayed in my friends house. I'll be home soon. Jase x

I'm just gonna just delete Holly's.

Im just walking downstairs now. The smell is lovely.

"Smells beautiful" I smiled.

"Thanks" she smiled back. She handed me a plate.

"Tell me about your family" She asks randomly.

"Well I have 4 brothers, Freddie, Joe,  Ziggy and Robbie. Robbie's my twin. Joe's the oldest. Sandy is my Mum. Shes really nice. My Dad is called Rick. I hardly see him. How about you?"

"Your family seems nice.Well I'm an only child and I haven't seen my Dad since I was 4. You know about my Mum."

"Well if you're always welcome round mine if you're lonely" I said smiling.

"Thanks Jase" and she hugged me. I love her hugs. I know I only had them twice but they are nice.

"Nicole, can I have you number?" I asked worryingly if she would say no.

"Of course Jason. You don't need to be so worried" she laughed and gave me her phone. I gave her mine and added myself as a contact in hers.

I smiled at her. Then checked the time. "Oh I should get going." I said disappointed.

"Oh ok" She also looked disappointed.

"I have to go change my clothes and stuff. But I'll text you later." I smiled

"Okay I'll show you to the door" We walk over to the door.

"I'll see you soon Nicole. Thanks for breakfast" I smiled.

"Yeah okay" and she hugged me.
Will I kiss her?? Well I have nothing to lose.

I step closer to her. Our eyes locking. I start to lean in. Our lips locking. After a few seconds she kissed back and threw her arms over my neck.

After a few minutes we pulled back. "Well I gotta go" I said hardly getting my words out and I kissed her cheek.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now