Move In?

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                  -5 Months Later-


Jason's at work. He works with Joe, Freddie and Ziggy at the garage. Stan has left us alone since I gave Jason gave him what he owed. Jason ain't gone near steroids since I reassured him I loved him.

We've been together for 5 months today. I got Jason a ring. I dunno if he got me anything.

We've been really close lately. It's nice though. He's so sweet. I'm so happy when I'm around him. He's my world.

I might aswell get up. I got dressed into a pink hoodie and skinny jeans with pink high tops.

I went downstairs and had breakfast. It was sausages and toast.

I decided to walk over to garage to see my baby, Jason. As I was walking over I got a text.

Meet me at the garage? I love you!

It was from Jason. He's adorable.

I'll text him back.

I am on my way I love you more!


I saw Jason in there. His work clothes make him look so sexy! His muscles too! Oh God!

"Hey baby! Happy 5 months! They were the best five months of my life. I got you something." He smiled.

"Okay same here baby!"

I gave him my ring and he kissed my cheek.

"Close your eyes" he said. He put a necklace on my neck. Then he kissed my neck.

"Oh Jase that is beautiful!" I said looking at it.

"Just like you then" He smiled his cheeky grin. I kissed him again and he kissed me back.

He licked my bottom lip for entrance. I obliged. Our lips moved in sync.

"Guys get a room!" I hear Robbie shouting as he came in.

We pulled back embarrassed. "I um need the loo" Jason said while red-faced.

"Hey Robbie" I smiled.

"Nicole pick me over him. I loved you since the first time seen you. Let me love you" He said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Robbie. I love Jason."

"You know what fuck you! Him and all!" he shouted.

"Robbie! Wait Robbie"

But he just kept walking. That was weird. There's no way I would leave Jason, I love him too much.

"You okay? Where did Robbie go?"

"Um he left. He said he had something to do.

"Okay" Jason kissed my forehead.


Jason and I are in my house. Well we are in bed. We are watching TV. Robbie is stuck in my head. Like I mean why now did he tell me?

I dunno. But I ain't leaving Jason.

"Nicole?" "You listening?"

"Yeah course" I smiled at him.

"Jase I've been thinking."

"You aint breaking up with me. Are.ya?" He asked worriedly.

"No let me finish" I chuckled.

"You're always over here so like to live here with me like full term?" I continued.

"You mean move in?"

"Yeh mug" I laughed.

"Hey, I aint no mug and he I'd love to baby!" He smiled and kissed me.

"We better go sleep. I'll bring my stuff over tomorrow?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Night and I love you!"

"Love you too Nick."

I soon fell asleep smiling.


HEY GUYS!:) SORRY I TOOK SO LONG! Just school and every thing I hope fully can get this finished in 2 weeks max!

Love you!

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now