Tell Me.

491 8 2

-Jason's POV-

I woke up to Nicole talking in the kitchen.

"Yes okay Dodger. I will talk later okay. Text me! Bye!"

She must have been on the phone. I.don't necessarily care who she talks to but as long as she doesnt say I Love You I'm cool with it.

I just remembered I'm taking Nicole to the cinema later. It will be fun.

I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Babe" I said.

"Morning. I just had a toasted sandwich. Do you want one?"

"No I'm fine" I smiled then kissed her cheek.

"Listen, I was thinking of bringing you to the cinema later?"

"Yeah okay" she smiled.

"I need the toilet be right back" I said.

Then after that I came back. " I better get back home babe"

"Oh okay" she looked disappointed.

"I come here at 8?"

"Yeah okay" I smiled.

I kissed her and she kissed me back passionately.

"Bye Nick"

"Bye Jase"

I went out the door. Its only a fifteen minute walk to my house so its not bad.

As I was walking through the park when someone put their hand on my shoulder.

I then got pulled me back against the wall and he put his arm on my neck.

It was Stan.

"I told you Roscoe I need payment. Where is it?"

"I....I.... I dont have it yet give me a few more hours"


He punched me in the face and then the stomach. I fell to the ground clutching my stomach.

"If you dont pay me, this is just a taste of what you will get. Bye.Roscoe" He warned.

I walked back home in pain. When I opened the door Robbie asked " What the hell happened mate? Who done this?"

"It doesnt matter. Im going for a shower."

Robbie still had a worried look on his face while I was walking up the stairs.

Then Robbie walked into the kitchen.

"Robbie?" I shouted down the stairs.


"I'll tell you later okay?"

"Okay" he smiled.


I wonder what movie we are going to watch? I hate Dawn Of The Planet Of Apes. I hated the first one too.

I don't want to dress up for it so I'll just put on my skinny jeans and jumper because it's quite cold.

So I went up for my shower. After my shower I put on the clothes I had set out for me.

I checked the time. Its 8pm. Jason should be here soon. Just as I was doing my hair someone knocked on my door.

I opened it. It was Jason but he had a black eye?

"Jase, What happened?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me because I love you"

"Later. We better get off"

Then we went out the door. We got to the cinema. We checked and there was only two films showing tonight.

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes or Lucy.

"Jase, what do you wanna watch?"

"I would prefer Lucy but its up to you" he smiled.

"Yeah same"

"Okay what do you want? I'll get it for you" He smiled.

"I'll have Salted popcorn and a large coke" I smiled.

Then he went up to the the till and paid. He handed me my things and we went in to the movie room.


Now we are back at my house. That movie was brilliant!

We are up in bed watching a movie on the TV. Its called Crossroads. Britney Spears stars in it.


"Yeah babe"

"What happened to you earlier?" I asked.

"You mean my eye?"


"Um well I seen you and Dodger in a picture on Facebook. He's the guy that Holly cheated on me with. I thought sooner or later you would leave me for a stronger man. So I bought steroids to be stronger and more better looking."

"Jason I love you for you. I would never leave you because I love you and Dodger is just a mate."

"I got punched because I don't have enough money to pay for them."

"You don't need them! If you just told me I would've gave you the money" I smiled.

I reached for my purse and took some money from it. I gave it to him.

"Is that enough babe?" I smiled.

"Yeah thank you so much baby! I love you so much!" he smiled.

I kissed him and he kissed back instantly and passionately. After a few minutes we pulled away. He smiled and I smiled back.

Then I turned off the TV. "We better go sleep" I said.

We both laid down and I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now