The Plan!

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-Nicole POV-

I woke up feeling sick probably just a tummy bug. Alex is kinda getting on my nerves slightly. Whenever Jason's around she gets all annoyed.

Oh well. I got up out of bed. I might as well have a shower. I hop into the shower and turn on the water.

It was good feeling the hot water hit my body. I put on shampoo and conditioner. I also shaved my legs, under arms and down there.

As I got out the shower and dried my hair with the hairdryer. After I dried my body I put on a hoodie and jeans. I feel better now actually.

I went downstairs and Alex was still asleep. I pulled back the curtains.

"Ayee why?" She said laughing.

Wow she's happy for once.

"Hey you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine you wanna go to a nightclub later?"

"Yeah Sure!"

"Okay I'm going up to get dressed now"


I'll ring Jason to come.

"Hey Jase"

"Hey baby. What's up?"

"I was wondering do you wanna come to The Loft later? You could meet us there"

"Yeah okay I'll see you later"

"Love you"

"Love you too!"

I hung up. Alex came back down dressed.

"Wanna watch movies? "

"Yeah I'll make pancakes first."

"Okay!" she said hyper.

-Alex's POV-

My plan is in action. I can't wait till later at The Loft.

I'll text Holly.

My plan will happen at the Loft later. I'll text you how it does!:)

She texted back.

Okay good! :)

"Who is that?" Nicole said.

"Just a friend from school" I smiled.

My acting skills come in handy! I started eating my pancakes while watching a movie.


-Alex's POV-

We are just waiting for Jason at the entrance of The Loft. What a weird name for a nightclub.

Here he is! We go in. I'm not gonna drink so I can pull this off properly.

I basically walked off. Now I'm necking lads and girls. I'm bisexual! Who cares.

As an hour passes I walk back over to Nicole.

"I'm just going toilet" I said.

"Yeah I need to go too!" Jason said.


I follow Jason to the ladies toilets. Then he walks off to the mens.


Alex and Jason have just gone toilet. I'll just stay here and wait. I see Alex Coming back crying. Wonder what's wrong?

"Jason....Jason he tried... to touch me" she said in between sobs.

Oh My God! How could he? I burst out crying. He walks over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"What's wrong? that's all you can say? people like you make me sick! It's over!." I shouted while tears streamed down my face.

I ran out and Alex followed. I didn't stop running till I got in. Alex cried the whole night. So did I but it was because Jason and I are over.

How could he do that. He was so sweet and caring. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me? I thought still crying.

My phone is on silent. I just checked it. 48 missed calls. 25 messages.

All from Jason. I cried myself to sleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now