A New Start!

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So I'm actually moving then? I guess. Mum bought a house down in Hollyoaks. Well before she died in an accident. But I don't wanna think about that.

She was well off so let's just say I don't have to worry about money for about 60 years haha. She bought a 3 bedroom house.

She wanted a fresh start. But it's me who's going to have one. I see the sign. It's Hollyoaks Village.

I dunno where I'm going? All my stuff is already in my house. How will I find it?

As I'm walking and looking at the sheet of paper that has the information on my house I bump into someone.

Ouch. "Sorry" I smiled. It was a guy about 17 or 18. Well my age. Really good looking. Brown hair combed to the side. Really nice brown eyes. The lot!

"Its alright" he smiled and was walking off.

"Wait, you couldn't help me could you?"

"Yeah what is it?" He smiled.

"I just moved here but I dunno where my house is. The address is here" as I pointed to the address on the sheet.

"Yeah it's not far I'll walk you. My names Jason by the way"

"Thanks and mines Nicole" I smiled.

We started to walk. "How long have you been here?" I start to make conversation.

"Um a long time." he laughed. "How come your here alone?" he said quickly after.

"I was ment to Mum and I. We planned it for ages. But she died in a car accident a month ago" I stated quietly.

"Oh my so sorry" and he hugged me.

Before we could say anymore we reached my new house. "Here you go" I smiled.

"Do you wanna stay for a while? You're here now anyway" I smiled

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be intruding or anything" He looked unsure.

"Yeah I'm sure and it would be good to have some company" I laughed.

"Okay then" He smiled.

I opened the door and went in and he followed.

"How come your house is all set up already?" He said confused.

"Mum had it set up but she hasn't decorated the walls of each room and there is only one bed with a mattress at the moment"

"Oh that's good then" He laughed.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah what ones do you have?"

I showed him my collection we ended up watching The Expendables 3. I love action movies!

"Wanna order pizza?" I said excitedly.

"Yeah. Pepperoni" He laughed.

"Of course pepperoni!!" I said really hyper.

We ordered Dominoes and got 2 medium pizzas between us and not a slice was wasted. We watched a couple more movies and it was getting late.

"Uh it's 12am. I should be getting back" He looked disappointed.

"Wanna stay because I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you."

"Okay then" He smiled.

"But there's only one problem there's one bed made up" I said.

"Uh I'll sleep on the couch"

"No I will, you can have the bed"

"What about we share? If your okay with that?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Good idea." I laughed

"I'm getting tired are you going up to?" He questioned.

"Yeah" and we walked up to the room with a king-size bed.

"Turn around" I said and he did. I took off my jeans and put on shorts and I took off my t-shirt and put on my vest top.

"Now you turn around" and he took of his t-shirt and his jeans. He was left In just his boxers. His body was well built. He had a good bit of muscles and a 6 pack.

We both got into bed. We both had our backs to eachother.

He started to turn around. " Nicole?"

"Yeah?" and I turned around to face him.

"Thanks for today I enjoyed it"

"No problem I enjoyed it too" I smiled.

I laid my head on his chest and my arm around him.

"Night Jase"

"Night Nicole" and I fell asleep with him stroking my face.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now