Forget it!

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'He's told me at the garage yesterday he liked me...since the first time I met him and he told me to break up with you...."


-Jason POV-

What was I hearing? Anger was boiling up in me. How could he? We are brothers wait.. We are twins. He knew Nicole is mine so why would he?

"Jason? Just leave it"

"No I won't just leave it. Your my girl"

"Jason I told him that. I love you! Just forget it! Please!"

"No" It was to late for that. I started walking downstairs. Nicole started following me. "Jason please just leave it" She shouted as she was chasing me.

I just ignored her. He needed to be put in his place. He was standing in the kitchen.

"Hey mate whats up?"He said. I pushed him against the wall and held him by the collar.

"Why the hell would you try and make Nicole choose between us? You know she's with me so why didn't you just back off?!"

"Jason leave him!" Nicole shouted.

"So you're picking his side?!" I shouted.

She just walked out the door. I turned back to Robbie.

"I dunno what you are on about mate?" Robbie said.

"You do know!" I punched him.

Ziggy came in."Whats going on here?"

"He's trying to take my girl!" I shouted.

"Alright calm down!" Ziggy shouted.

"Is she with you?" Ziggy asked Robbie.

"No she chose him"

"Then whats the problem? Shake hands"

Robbie put out his hand. I reluctantly shook it. He pulled me in close.

"Look mate I'm sorry. She's yours I get that now" He sounded sincere.


I better go sort it out with Nicole. I still have to plan our date I have the perfect idea!


I knocked on the door of Nicole's house. She opened the door.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry okay."

She just stayed silent.

"So can I come in?" I smiled.


She stood to the side to let me in. I walked in and sat in the living room. She closed the door and came in.

I moved beside her on the couch. "Please don't be mad at me. I just hate the fact of ever losing you." I caressed her cheek with my thumb.

"I know. And you know I cant stay mad at you either." She smiled.

I leaned in to kiss her. I closed my eyes. Our lips touched and started to move in sync. She smiled into the kiss. I pulled away after a few minutes.

"Do you have any drinks?"

"Yeah just Coke though."

"Yay! Our favourite!" I smiled. I walked into the kitchen to the fridge and took two cans. I walked back into the sitting room and gave one to her.

"After that you are coming with me some where." I smiled.


We are currently lying down on the top of a hill looking up at the stars. It's night so it way more romantic.

I took her to a Chelsea match. That's where she always wanted to go but never had the chance. She smiled and kept kissing me all through the match.

Hazard and Costa scored. They're our favorite players.



"I love you so much. You know I will never leave you right?"

"Yeah I know. I love you so much too!" I said back.

"And as I said before, you were ment to be with me and I was ment to be with you! We are ment to be"

"I know we are." She looked at me and smiled.

"Will I get my stuff tomorrow then?"

"Yeah. If you still want to move in"

"Of course I do!" I took her hand and she cuddled in more to me.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now