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My eyes flutter open. I realise Jason is still asleep. He has his hand on my waist securely. I sit up carefully not waking him. I remove his hand carefully from around me and kiss his cheek.

I walked downstairs and made pancakes. I want to make him breakfast in bed because it's our first morning of being together.

I bring up the pancakes on a plate. As I reach the bed I put the tray on the chest of drawers beside it.

"Jason. Jason? Jason baby??" I called repeatedly. He finally woke up.

"Morning baby" He replied and I kissed him. I made you pancakes. His face lit up when I handed him them.

"Thanks baby" He smiled.

After he ate them he got dressed.

"Sorry Nicole I've gotta go home. I'll text you so though" He said disappointed.

"It's okay see ya" I kissed him. Then he went out the door. I'll get dressed.

I decided on my new jeans and a nice pink and white jumper. I miss him already! I can't believe I can actually call him mine!

-Jason POV-

Where did you go last night?" Robbie asked.

"I stayed in my girlfriends" I said proudly.

"She's your girlfriend! We'll done mate" He said and patted me on the back.

"Thanks mate. I wanna take her out but I dunno where?"

"Tonys restaurant. I've taken loads of birds there" He laughed.

"Okay thanks" I set off to the restaurant to make a reservation.

When I came back to the house I put on my suit. It's not a too formal suit but it's formal enough if you get me.

I'm gonna surprise Nicole at her house.

I put on half a can of my Lynx Africa just to make sure I smell nice. I'm gonna bring a change of clothes so I don't have to come back here so early.

"Robbie I'm going to the restaurant with Nicole and most likely staying over there. Tell Mum for me"

"Okay good luck" Robbie smiled.

I set off for Nicole's house. When I got there Nicole answered.

"Hey why are you so dressed up?" She asked curiously.

"I'm taking you out. Hurry we don't wanna be late. I'll wait down here for ya" I smiled and she went upstairs. 

She came back down in a beautiful long red dress and red heels.

"You look amazing." I just about got out.

"You don't look to bad yourself" she smirked.

We set off for the restaurant. We had soo much fun there. I'm going back to hers for the night atleast I have my change of clothes there.

When we got to the house I go straight to the kitchen. She sat down on a stool.

"Thanks for today Jason. It was really sweet of you"

"Ill do anything for my girlfriend" I smirked.

She walker over to me and she kissed me. I kissed her back passionately and she threw her hands around my neck. I moved my hands from around her waist down to her bum and picked up her. She wrapped her legs around my waist.

The kiss deepened. I licked her bottom lip for entrance and she obliged. I carried her up the stairs while still kissing her.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked between breaths.

"More than I ever wanted to before" She answered.

As we get to the room she rooms her hands down to my buttons and starts undoing them. When she finished I unzipped her dress and she was left in her knickers and bra.

As I lay her on the bed with me on top of her I started taking off my trousers. With a bit of help I got them off.

Next I unclasped her bra and threw it to the side of the bed. Now she started tugging at my boxers after she pulled them off I put on my condom and I took off her knickers.

As I started kissing her neck I started thrusting inside her. At first she gave a light moan but I continued.

I started to pick up the pase. She started moaning loud.

I continued going deeper and faster. Soon we both reached our climax and laid on our backs.

"That was amazing" she panted.

"I know. I love you Nicole"

"I love you too" she said.

Soon I fell asleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now