She's Here!

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-Nicole's POV-

I woke up remembering Alex was coming. Can I really put up with her crazy ass for seven days.

Oh Lord what have I let my self in for? I get up and got dressed.

I walk down stairs and watched TV. I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Alex.

"Hey come in"

"How are you? Everyone is missing ya!"

"I'm fine! I have a boyfriend now. How are you?"

"Yeah I seen on Facebook"

"Wanna go shop for treats and stuff?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah sure."

She seems pissed after talking about Jason. I guess she don't like him?


We get down to the shop. Holly's working. I picked out some stuff so did she. We picked up things like ice cream, Cookies, biscuits, popcorn and more.

My phone started ringing. It was Jason.

"You pay I'll just be a minute.


I reach the till with the basket of treats. This girl with blond hair starts talking to me. I checked the nametag. It says Holly.

"You friends with Nicole?"

"Yeah why?"

"She's with my ex. I'll pay you £200 to break them up. Whatever it takes. Don't tell Nicole or I'll tell her you wanted to."

"£350 and it's a deal."

"Okay" and I paid.

I walked out the shop as Nicole was coming off the phone.

"You okay?" She asked.



As we got it we put all the food in different bowls.

I keep thinking how to make my plan work.

Nicole's POV

Alex is awful quiet maybe it's just because it's new surroundings. I'll never know?

I'm going up to bed now. Alex is sleeping on the couch. She seemed friendly with Holly earlier. Maybe I'm paranoid?

It was the first person she met maybe that's why? Anyway I'm going to sleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now