Meet The Family!

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Last night was amazing. Best sex I ever had! Jason's in the shower. I'm going in next.

I think we are going to his house today. I'm not sure? I heard the shower switch off. I guess he's finished. He came out in just a towel around his waist.

"Your body is amazing" I said looking at him.

"Thanks" he winked.

"I'm going for a shower now" and I kissed his cheek.

I turned on the shower. The hot water pounding on my body is what I needed.

After I finished my shower I wrapped the towel around me.

I hairdried my hair before I put on clothes. I'm just gonna wear my white jeans and blue t-shirt to with it.

I tied my hair up in a ponytail. I walked downstairs. Jason was watching Top Gear while eating breakfast.

I got my cereal and sat down beside him.

"Are we still going to your house today?"

"Yeah if you want."

"Okay" I smiled and ate my cereal.

While Jason washed up, I put on the washing.

"Do you wanna go now?" He asked.

"If you're ready."

"Yeah okay then."

He reached out his hand for me to take.

My tummy started getting butterflies in my stomach. My nerves was setting in.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah" I answered nervously.

He opened the door.

"We're here" Jason shouted.

A blonde haired woman came out of the living room.

"Hi Jase. So this is your girlfriend?" She smiled,

I guess this is his Mum.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sandy. Jason never stops talking about you when he's here" she laughed.

"Its really nice to meet you too." I laughed.

I seen Jason's face turning a light shade of pink. I chuckled to myself.

"Come in to the living room" she said.

There I seen 4 lads. I knew one. That's Robbie and there was another girl. They all stood up and told me who the were and hugged me. The girl was Lindsay, Joes girlfriend.

"Jason and Sandy was in the kitchen ordering pizza I think.

He came back in. "Mum said you're allowed stay over if you want" he whispers.

"Yeah of course. Your family is so nice" I whisper back.

"I know and Mum thinks you're a keeper haha" he laughed.

A few minutes later the pizza came. There was like 10 boxes. One for each of us and spares. None of it went to waste.

This family is really nice. I thought to myself at this moment everyone was gone to bed. Jason and I were just finishing our movie.

"I'm just going to the loo" I say.

As I am walking upstairs Robbie starts to call me. "Yes?" I answered.

"I just wanna say Jason is really lucky to have you" he fake smiled.

"Thanks" and I went to the loo.

I came back down and sat back by Jason. He put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. Soon everything went black. I fell asleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now