What Was That All About?!

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-Nicole's POV-

I have a pounding headache. I'm meeting Jason today! I'll just take an aspirin after my cereal. I got up and put on my black skinny jeans with my red t-shirt.

That will do because it looks sunny out. I washed my bowl up and put it back where I got it.

I remembered to take the aspirin.

I got a glass of water and one tablet.

I checked the time. 12pm. My phone buzzed.

3 New Messages.

All from Jason. I laughed to myself.

I checked them.

Hey Nicole x

When are we meeting?x

Are you okay?x

I better text him back.

Can you meet me here??:)x

I can't wait this is gonna be like a Mine and Jason day-out! I smiled as I was deeply in thought.

He text back.

Yeah Im on my way x

I'll just sit and wait for him.


I got up and went for a shower. After I finished washing I got my towel and wrapped it round my waist.

What to wear? I decided on a white and blue t-shirt, my nice jeans, my blue hoodie and CK boxers and white socks.

After I got dressed I combed my hair to the side. Perfect! I thought and walked downstairs.

"Morning Jason" Mum said smiling.

"Morning Mum after some breakfast I'm heading out to meet a mate" I smiled.

"Is this the mate you met 2days ago? What's her name? Um Nicole" Robbie interrupts.

"Yeah so what if it is" And they both raised their eyebrows. I finished my cereal.

After 3 messages she replied. Finally.

Can you meet me here??:) x

I text back.

Yeah I'm on my way x

I set off for her house. I got there and knocked on her door.

She opened. Wow! She looked nice even if it was just casual clothes.

"Shall we go then" she smiled.

"Yeah" I smiled back.

I reach for her hand. She looked at her hand then at me and smiled.

We walked hand in hand to town. I'm really happy when I'm with her.

"Nicole what are we picking out first?" I asked.

"Wallpaper for the living room. I was thinking black and white."

"Okay". Then I seen one caught her eye.

"Jason" she called.


"I really like this one it looks beautiful" She smiled.

"Just like you" Oh God did I say that out loud. I'm going red and she's blushing.

She picked up 4 rolls of it.

"I'll carry them" I said

"Okay I thinking to get stuff for the kitchen now.

"Okay what colour scheme you going for?"

"Maybe light blue?" She questioned herself.

"Nice" I smiled. After doing the house shopping we went back to hers. When we were there we decided to get some snacks at the shop. Holly's mum owns the closest shop. I hope she's not there.

As we reach the shop I seen Holly coming out of her house.

"Nicole you can go in I'll wait outside".

"Okay" she answered confused.

When she went in Holly came over to me.

"Holly I'm not getting back with you" I said sternly.

"Please Jase one more chance" she pleaded


"Well can I get a goodbye hug? Can we still be friends?"

"Give me more time" and I hugged her.

"You were just using me to make her jealous" I heard Nicole's voice.

I pushed away from Holly.

"No Nicole, let me explain" I said.

But she ran and didn't stop running.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now