Epilogue - Part 2

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"Mr And Mrs Roscoe"



"I'm Mrs Roscoe now?"

"No. Its just that it was easier to put that" I said scratching the back of my head.

"Jason, I was joking don't look so worried. " She chuckled and rubbed my face.

The waiter took up to our table. It was table 7, my lucky number. That has to be a sign right?

I pulled the chair out for Nicole and then sat down myself. "I'll come back with the menu's" Ste smiled. He's the waiter.

"Cheers mate" I smiled.

"I actually came here to talk about us." I said.

"Why is there something wrong?"

"No we need to make plans for the future babe" I said and took her hand.

"I like things the way they are. If we change things it might be for the worse and I don't wanna change us" She said.

"Yeah I guess. Excuse me for a moment." I walked up to Ste.

"I wanna propose but when is the best time and way to?"

"Its up to you Jason. Be yourself that's why she loves you, right?" He said.

"Alright cheers mate."

"Wait, heres your menu's."

I took them off him and went back to my table. "What was that about?" she asked.

"Oh I was wondering what time they close" I smiled and took my seat.

"Oh okay." She smiled.

"Nicole I'm gonna say this as best as I can-"

"Have you decided on your starter yet?" Ste came back and said.

"I'll have a Cesar Salad." Nicole said.

"I'll have the chicken and cheese spring rolls." I said.

"Okay. The food will be here soon." Ste smiled and walked away.

"So what were you saying Jase?" She smiled.

"We've been together a while right?"


"I wanna take us to the next level"

"I don't get what you mean? We've been to every level possible" she chuckled.

"Yeah I know" I chuckled.

"But I mean I want you to be mine. Have my surname" I got down on one knee.

"So Nicole. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I smiled.

I can't believe I just said that!

"Um.... I guess I could live with being a Roscoe."She chuckled.

"So it's a yes!" I smiled.

"Yes!" she beamed and stood up.

I hugged her. We are getting married! She's my Fianceé! Oh My God I can't believe it!

"I love you Jason! More than anything in the world!"

"I love you the most!" I hugged her more tightly. We pulled back and I kissed her.

"Sorry to disturb you but your starter is ready" Ste said.

We sat back down.

"Thanks mate" I said.

"Oh congratulations!" he said and walked away.


It's night now. We are still awake though. I still cant believe it! She's gonna be Nicole Roscoe! As cheesy as this sounds I wouldnt change anything about our relationship.

My phone buzzed. It was Robbie.

So tell me the news?

I texted him back.

She's said yes! We are engaged!

He texted me back.

Congratulations! Am I best man? :) haha

I texted him back.

Oh course! We are twins after all! Haha :)

He texted me back.

Great I'm going sleep! Night! :)

I sent him one last text.

Night mate :)

"Jason you still awake?"

"Yeah well you seen me texting" I chuckled.

"I know. I love you baby!"

"I love you too! Nobody has ever loved me like you do."

"That will never stop either. I was thinking of getting Dodger to give me a way."

"If that's what you want. Go for it! Robbie's gonna be best man."

"Alright. I'm going to go sleep now."

"Okay I am too. I love you"

"I love you too. Night."

We turned around and fell asleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now