I never did it!

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I really don't know what I did? All I know it has something to do with Alex crying yesterday.

I haven't really slept at all. My eyes are sore from crying. I give up on crying it won't change what happened.

"Hey mate why did you and Nicole break up?" Robbie comes in.

"I don't know. They were both crying and then she said I make her sick and ended it"

"I'll text her for you okay."

After he text her he showed me the message.

Nicole what happened between you and Jase?

After a few minutes or so she text him back.

He tried to touch Alex. He's sick. I ha've nothing against you Robbie but tell him to leave me alone.

I felt my heart break. I was gutted. I didn't do anything. I tried to be friends with Alex and now she goes and lies.

"I swear I didn't do anything. she's making it up because she doesn't like me."

"I believe you mate" Robbie reassures me.

I got up and had a shower. After I got out I blow dried my hair. I put on a t-shirt , sweatpants and a hoodie.

There was a knock at the door. It was Holly.

-Holly's POV-

"Hi I came to see if you were alright. I heard about you and Nicole"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Can I come in?"


I got a text from Alex.

Nicole is on her way over to Jason. Make your move quick.

"Actually Jason. I can't stop I have to help mum with the shop"

"Oh ok"

I leaned in and kissed him. I was about to speak but I heard Nicole's voice.

"I came over here to hear you out but instead you're snogging her?"

"It weren't like that. Here me out please?" Jason pleaded. But Nicole just kept walking.

I guess my work here is done. I walked off.

-Nicole's POV-

I can't believe it! He would just go back with her after all that? Is he that much of a player? I guess I don't know the real him after all.

Why am I even crying? He isn't worth my tears.

"Hey are you okay?" This guy asks.

He had black hair. He had a chiseled body. You could see his abs through the shirt.

"Yeh just lad trouble."

"Do you wanna come back to mine and off load it on me?"

"Are you sure? But just as friends. Right?

"Yeah definitely" he chuckled.

"I'm dodger by the way?" He chuckled again.

"I'm Nicole" I smiled.

As we went back to his we talked about Jason. Then we watched movies and laughed about nothing.

Then I decided to go home. As I got in I went straight to bed. I couldn't be arsed talking to Alex.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now