Start Over!

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"Jase, Nicole wants to see us," I told him.

"Oh really?" He face looked happy for a change. He must really love her I guess.

"Yeah we should get going" I smiled.

We started to walk out. "What do you think she wants to see us for?" I asked.

"I dunno. We are here now though."

I knocked on the door.

-Nicole's POV-

I heard a knock. It must be them.

I opened the door.

"Hey Guys. Come in."

They walked in and sat down in the living room. " What's wrong?" Robbie asked.

"Alex lied. Holly paid her to break us up. Also when Holly kissed you that was a set up aswell because Alex texted her. I'm so sorry Jason." I said.

"Oh God. I see well I think you two need to talk so I'm going home" Robbie smiled.

"Thanks Robbie"

Then he left. Jason was just sitting so quietly. I really hope he forgives me.

"You okay Jase?" I said while walking over to him. I sat down beside him.

"Yeah. It's just that it hurt you believed her over me. How would you feel if I chose Holly over you?" He said holding back tears.

"I know. I'm so sorry. It was selfish of me to not believe you. It was stupid."

"It's okay. But maybe we should just be friends for a while?" He said.

That word friends hurt. I felt a pain in my chest. I've messed up bad.

"Yeah friends" I smiled fakely.

"I better go. I'll text you."

"Okay" I said and he walked out.

I texted Robbie.

Hey we are friends again :)

He texted back.

Just give him time. He'll come round soon.

I didn't text him back after that.

-Jason's POV-

I got in home. I went to my room. I put on a movie.

What was I thinking? Friends? I don't wanna just be friends with her. I love her.

I know she loves me too. I don't know what to do for the best.

"Jason! Pizza" Mum called.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I walked downstairs. "I'm just gonna eat mine upstairs Mum"

"Okay son"

I took my pizza upstairs. I was on Facebook when I saw a selfie of Nicole and Dodger on her profile.

I'm sure they are just friends. Maybe she prefers him because he's got more muscles.

I need to stop being so paranoid. I just remembered Stan! He sells steroids. I'll get them of him tomorrow then she'll like me more.

I brought my pizza box downstairs. It was 12am now. Everyone's asleep I better sleep too.

So I walked back upstairs. I took off my t-shirt and jeans and hopped into bed.

I checked my phone. 1 Message. It was from Nicole.

Night Jase. I hope we can meet tomorrow x

I texted her back.

Sure we can. Night Nicole :) x

Then I put my phone on my chest of drawers and went to sleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now