Wish she knew.

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-Robbie's POV-

I hardly slept last night. I wish I was with Nicole instead of Jason. I am happy he found someone.

I know she loves him and he loves her but I love her aswell and since that day in the club I haven't stopped thinking about her.

I know I'm a bit of a player but I would stop if she loved me back.

I feel like that Romeo when Rosaline didn't love him back. I only know that because we had to revise it for our exams.

I wanna play a prank on them. I walking downstairs and I seen them still asleep on the couch cuddled up.

I felt my body tense up. I found a bucket. I filled it up with freezing cold water. Ziggy has now come down.

I motioned him to shush. I snuck into the living room and threw the water on them.

"Ahhhh" they screamed in unison.

"ROBBIE! I swear!!!" Jason shouted.

"Sorry but I couldn't help it" I laughed.

"I'm going up to get dressed. You coming?" Jason asked Nicole.


As she walked past she grabbed my face. "Watch your back Roscoe" she said laughing.

I just smiled. I want her to be mine so bad. I get her to be mine. I promise.

I can't wait for my birthday. Well mine and Jason's birthday. I can't wait until I'm 18.


Jason has just finished getting dressed. He just told me his 18th is in 2 days.

What am I gonna get him? He's just came back in his room.

"I'm gonna go Jase"

"Okay I'll text u later babe"

He kissed my cheek.

"I love you baby"

" I love you too"

I walked downstairs.

"Thanks Sandy for yesterday" I said.

"My pleasure come back anytime" she smiled.

"Bye boys" I shouted.

"Bye" they said back.

I walked out the door knowing my intention. I know a jewellery store around here.

As I reach the jewellery store I look at the window. They sell some nice stuff here!

I walk in to the shop to the till. I'm gonna get Jason a dog tag for his birthday. I might aswell get Robbie something too.

"Hello I was looking for Dog Tags you couldn't tell me where they are?" I asked.

He motioned to his left. There's lots of them. I saw a silver one with the Chelsea FC badge. Perfect!

I picked it up and brought it over to the till.

"Would I be able to engrave a message on it?"

"Yeah" he smiled.

When he finished engraving the message he gave it to me.

I turned it around seeing how the message turned out.

          N+J forever   

      I love you Jason

        Forever Blues

Perfect! He's gonna love that. I hope.

Now for Robbie?

I found him a silver ring. I got engraved at the front:

R Roscoe

I went back to the till. "£156.50 please"

I handed him the money. I went back home. I decided to get dressed for bed and lay on my bed on my laptop.

I signed onto Facebook for the first time in ages.

6 Friend Requests

I got one from Jason, Robbie, Ziggy,  Joe, Freddie and Lindsay. I accepted them all.

I also got a relationship request from Jason.

I accepted proudly. I decided to sign out of Facebook and turn off my laptop.

I then laid down and started to fall asleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now