Was it a mistake?

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-Still Jason's POV-

Oh my word! I kissed her. Better than that she kissed me back! I'm so happy.

I reach for the handle of the door. I hope Mum ain't mad for not texting sooner. Wait! Oh yeah she's at work!

I open the door. "Hello" seeing if anyones home.

"Heey Jase. Where were ya?" Robbie smirked.

"I stayed at a mates"

Well the last I heard you were with a brown haired girl" He smirked again.

"Her names Nicole and who told ya that?"

"Esther actually. Did ya get lucky?"

he winked.

"I ain't like that! I ain't you! I said annoyed.

"I'm going for a shower. See ya." and with that I took off upstairs.

I got a towel and went for a shower. After I finished showering I wrapped the towel around my waist and went into my room.

I picked out a red t-shirt and my new jeans. I got my CK boxers and white socks. After I while I decided on my white and red hoodie.

My hair was now dry and I combed it to the side. I looked at my phone.
0 New Messages. Maybe she thinks the kiss was a mistake? Will I text her? I might aswell.

Hey Nicole. It's Jason :) x

I sent it. I was walking back down stairs and my phone vibrated.

Hey Jase. You okay?:) x

I text back.

Yeah what bout you?:) x

She replied.

I'm good :) was wondering maybe you might wanna come shopping for wallpapers and stuff for my house? But I totally understand if it's not your type of thing. x

Yay! I can see her tomorrow!

Oh course I don't mind :) see you tomorrow! x

"Is that lover girl" Robbie smirked.

"No she's not my girlfriend okay. Stop talking about it please."

"Okay calm down I was just joking"

"Fine" I said


Does Jason feel the same or was that just a mistake? It's now 9pm. I might aswell stick on the TV. Yes! Friends is on I love that!

I'm just gonna text Jason.

Jason was that kiss a mistake?? x

My phone vibrated.

Not to me. What about you?x

I text back.

Of course not. :)x

He text back.

That's settled then haha :)x

Yeah I guess it is. I thought to my self I'm so relieved I thought he thought it was a mistake! I've only know him 2 days though. I'm bored.

I'll go up to bed. As I lay in bed. It still smelt like Jason. Is that weird? Ah well. I dozed off thinking about him.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now