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I woke up so happy. Nicole's still asleep. I'm gonna arrange a picnic for us.

I got up and showered quickly and put on the clothes I left here a few days ago. She washed them for me. I really do love her.

I wrote a note to Nicole:

Hey babe,

I left early to make you a surprise.

Come to the park at 7:30pm

Ill be waiting!

Love you! xxxx

I have a blanket and I got lots of food for our picnic. I got candles and roses to put around it. I also got a bunch of roses for her aswell. I'll set it up at 7:00pm.

-Nicoles POV-

I woke up and Jason wasn't beside me. Instead he wrote a note. After I read it I decided to have a shower after last night. That was seriously amazing sex!

After I had my shower. I decided to just wear my sweatpants and hoodie. I wasn't to bothered because later on I'm wearing a long purple dress.

I really can't wait until later! I wonder what's the surprise?

Ill text Jason.

Any hints on the surprise?x

He text back.

No but you'll see later!x

He won't tell me so I'll just have to wait.

Ill go on Facebook.

I got a message from...Holly?

I'm sorry about yesterday. I'll leave you guys alone again I'm sorry.

Yay thank fuck for that.


It's 7:00pm I'll start walking now. There was a knock on the door. It's Robbie.

"Jason told me to escort you down to the park."

"Okay wanna tell me what it is?" I smirked.

"Sorry not allowed"

"Fine let's go" and we started walking.


I decided to just leave Nicole to Jason. They are so happy together there's no point in ruining it. He'll never forgive me.

She certainly look beautiful though.


-Nicole's POV-

"We are here" and Robbie left.

I saw Jason standing in a suit.

He had a picnic dinner with candles.

Oh my God he is so sweet!

He walked over to me and handed me a bunch of roses.

"Thank you Jase you look nice" I smiled.

"Well you look amazing" he smiled and took my hand.

He brought me over and sat me down on the blanket.

We spend about an hour just looking at the stars.

"Thank you Jason! This was amazing! I love you so much.

"You're amazing. I love you too!


We came back to mine. We sat down on the couch and watched two movies cuddled up.

"Wanna sleep down here 'coz I can't be arsed to go up stairs"

"I don't mind if you want to I will" he smiled.

We both fell asleep on the couch.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now