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-Nicole's POV-

I woke up sweaty. I must of had a nightmare that I can't remember. I dunno?

I must have a shower though. I don't wanna smell. I grabbed my phone. I got two towels from the cupboard and headed for the shower.

I turned on my music. The first song was Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer. I love this song! I turned on the shower and stepped inside.

After washing myself and my hair I turned of the shower. Right now Hopeful by Bars And Melody was on. I must say they are so talented.

I wrapped the towel around my body and one in my hair. I went into my room and got dressed.

I then turned off my music. By this time I had 2 Messages.

One from Alex.

I know we may never talk again but I'm sorry!

I deleted it. The other one was from Jason.

Meet me at 3pm? Sound alright?x

I texted him back.

Yeah perfect! x

I might aswell watch a bit of TV. I have nothing else to do at this moment.

Scandal was on. It's my favourite TV series at the moment.

-Jason POV-

I'm waiting on Stan to get me my steroids.

I had to take Freddie's phones to get his number. Freddie does these jobs for people. Its hard to explain.

He's here now. It was a man with dark-brown hair and a beard. But the beard wasnt a bushy type of beard.

He doesn't look like the dodgy type. Not that this is dodgy. But you get me.

"Jason? I guess." he said.


"There you go but I expect payment soon or else. You don't want to get on the wrong side of me. " he warned as he handed me the capsule with the steroids imside.

"I won't I swear"

Then Nicole came in. Oh God what do I say?

"Hey Jason who's this?"

"My..uh my old football coach." I said.

"Was he any good?" She laughed asking Stan.

"Yeah he was always winning matches for us" he smiled.

"Sorry I have to go but it was nice seeing you Jason" and he walked off.

Thank God he played along.

"Sorry did I interrupt?"

"No no its okay" I smiled.

"Do you wanna go back to mine after we have lunch?"

"Yeah sure and ill pay. What do you want?"

"Just a sandwich" she smiled.

"I'll have nuggets and chips. Don't judge I like kids meals." I laughed.

I went up and ordered. I came back down to our table.

"Nicole I missed this. I missed us. I want us back together. Can we.. I mean will you be my girlfriend....again?" I asked.

"Yes of course." She smiled.

The waiter came down to the table with our food. It looked nice.

After we ate we went back to Nicole's.

We watched Believe it's the Justin Bieber movie. She wanted to watch it. Now we are watching Fast And Furious 6.

I love these movies! Nicole is asleep with her head on my shoulder.

I want to sleep too but this movie is sick! I was thinking about taking Nicole to see that new movie in the cinema. She told me she wanted to see it aswell! I started to drift off too and soon I fell asleep.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now