Your stuff!

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-Jason's POV-

I was having a crazy dream. From Nicole moving to America to Me going to college. I hope that don't come true. I don't wanna leave Nicole or leave Hollyoaks.

I was still asleep when I heard an annoying song. Shit! That's my ringtone. I wanna wake up to turn it off and kill the geezer but I just can't move.

Fuck! You win phone and I reached out to my drawers and picked it up.

"Who the fuck is it?"

"Fine you don't wanna talk to your girlfriend. I'll hang up"

Oh God I should've checked the caller I.D.

"Sorry Nicole. I'm not a morning person. Come round and wake me" I chuckled.

"Fine but you owe me babe."

"Bye love" and I hung up.

That bought me more time. I fell back to sleep.

I heard my door creak open. I popper my head up. It was Nicole. She looks more beautiful everyday.

I'm gonna plan a surprise date She deserves it. She's amazing to me.

"Hey Jase. You're actually awake!"

"Yeah thanks to you!" I chuckled.

"Fine.. I'll just leave then." She said walking really slow waiting for me to say something.

"No. You're here now. Come lie with me." I motioned my hand beside me on the bed.

She walked over and laid down beside me. "Jase?"


"I love you" she said looking at me. I swear her eyes are amazing. You could get lost in the like a deep sea.

"Well I love you too" I said looking at her. I took her hand in mine.

"I know this might sound cheesy but I think we were Ment To Be."

"So do I" She smiled and kissed me.

"You better get up!" She said.

"Fine I'll have a shower. Your welcome to join me if you want" I said winking cheekily.

"Jason!" she playfully hit me.

"I just had one, but next time" she smiled.

I got up and went to get towels. "You can stay here while I'm in the shower or you can mingle with my family." I laughed.

"I'll stay here."

That was a blank answer. Something must be up. I'll get her to tell me later after my shower.

After my shower I wrapped the towel around my waist.

I walked back into my room. Nicole set out clothes for me. I softly chuckled to myself.

"Turn around" I said.

"It aint like I aint seen it" she chuckled and turned around. I dried my lower body and put on my CK boxers.

"You can look now"

"Is it me or does your body get more fitter everyday?"

"Naah your right" I chuckled.

I put on my jeans. Then I dried my body and my t-shirt. I look alright if I do say so myself.

I sat down beside her. "Now you can tell me what's up?"

"What do you mean?" she acted innocently like I didnt know.

"Nicole, don't play dumb. We have been going out for 5 months its hard not to know you. So whats wrong?"

"Fine its just that....Robbie"

"What about 'im?"


"Nicole! Answer me!"

"He's told me at the garage yesterday he liked me...since the first time I met him and he told me to break up with you...."

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now