Epilogue - Part 1

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-Jason's POV-

               -5 years later-

Todays the day. The day I propose to my girlfriend. Well we have been together long enough. I have a table booked at The Hutch.

I really can't wait. No children yet since we are still young. Well we are 24.

I better get up then. I took my shower and started getting dressed. Later I'll be changing into my suit and stuff. I have it all planned out except Robbie and I are going into town for the engagement ring.

"Jase? You up?" She called.

"Yeah I'm just changing. You can come in though" I smirked.

She opened the door. She looked beautiful just in her hoodie and sweatpants.

"I love you" she walked over to me and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"And you know I love you too" I kissed her.

"How about you show me again?" She smirked.

"Later trust me. I just have to find Robbie for something." I said.

Fuck. That sounded so shady!

"Oh okay. I'll hold you to that." she smirked.

"I know you will. I have to go soon though." She let go off her hands around me.

"Oh okay. What's for?"

"Um, I wanna get a pair of Louis V high tops and Robbie knows where to get them" I lied.

"Oh okay. Get me a pair yeah?" She smiled.

Fuck! I have to get some now!

"Yeah sure." I kissed her.

Just then my phone went off. I took it from my pocket. It was from Robbie.

You ready? Meet me at my house?

I text him back.

Yeah on my way. And you mean Mum's house? :)

He text back.

Yeah same thing innit haha:)

"That was Robbie. I have to go but remember I'll make it up to you later" I smirked.

"Yeah you will." she laughed.

"That's why you love me like you do" I winked.

I went down stairs and started walking to My car. I really can't wait till I can call her my Fianceé. Wow that sounds wicked!

But what if she says no? God Jason! Don't back out now! Keep Game Strong!

I didn't realise but I was at my house. Well I was driving after all. I beeped at the house and Robbie came out. He opened the passenger side door and got in.

"Hey mate. All ready for later?"

"Yeah I guess" I started driving off.

"You ain't getting second thoughts?"

"No but what happens if she says no?" I said worriedly.

"She won't. You've been together five years mate. Course she won't"

"Yeah I guess you're right."


It's eight o'clock. I'm getting ready for tonight. We got a ring. It's nearly nicer than Nicole. But she's my bae. Nobody's better than her. If that's cheesy?

"Jason. I'm ready." She knocked on the door.

"Yeah come in. I need help with this tie."

"You always do" she chuckled and came in. She done my tie and kissed me.

"Why are we going out?"

"Can I not treat my beautiful girlfriend?" I smirked.

"Yeah I guess but I had to cancel plans with my tele"

"I'm sure it won't do no harm" I smirked.

"I guess." she laughed and kissed me. I kissed her back and deepened the kiss. We pulled back after a few minutes.

"We better go." I smiled.

We walked out the door to the car. As I started the engine she put her hand on my thigh.

Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher. I kept thinking to myself.  I didn't want to go into The Hutch with a bulge.

I soon got to the Hutch. I got out the car and opened the door for Nicole.

"Why thank you Jason" she smirked.

"No problem"

I went in to the restaurant.

"Mr and Mrs Roscoe" I said to the man.

Ment To Be (Jason Roscoe/ Alfie Browne-Sykes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now