Their 18th!

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-2 Days Later-

Nicole's POV

Its their birthday! Can't wait for the party later.

I better text them. I clicked on Jason's contact first.

Happy Birthday Baby!! Ur 18! a man now ;) I love you so much! Can't wait to see you! xxx

Next I text Robbie.

Happy 18th Robbie! Your a man now act like it! lol see ya later! :)

My phone buzzed.

It was from Jason.

Thanks Babe! I can't wait to see you later and show you how much of a man I am! ;) I love you so much too! xxxxxx

As I finished readings that Robbie text me back.

Thanks Nicole :) see ya l8tr!

I answered Jason.

I can't wait either ;) xxx

OMG!! I forgot to get cards.

I got dressed quickly and raced down to the shop. I went to the card section. I picked up 2 for an 18 year old.

I went to the till. I'm gonna pretend Robbies present is a box of condoms. I chuckled to myself.

"Can I get two boxes of condoms please"

She gave me a dirty look. What's up her arse. I git the second one for me and Jase.

Let's just say I wont be coming back to this shop anytime soon. I paid and walked out.


I'm at home it's 5pm the party starts in 2hrs. I'm writing out the cards.

After I wrote the cards I wrapped up the three presents. That's including the condoms for Robbie.

I better start getting ready. I went into the shower. When I came out I blow-dried my hair. I couldn't be bothered straightening it so I just brushed it.

I found a tight pink dress. But it doesn't look slut-ish. I got my black heels on. I put the presents in a bag. Off I went.


I walked into the party. It just started. I ran up to Jason. Well half-ran up because of my heels. He picked me up and swung me around.

"Happy Birthday Baby!" I kissed him.

"Thanks Babe" he smiled.

I went over to Robbie.

"Happy Birthday" and I hugged him.

"Here you go" I gave him the card and the 'fake' present. He opened it.

"Jee thanks Nicole" he smirked.

"Oh here you go aswell" I handed him over the real one. He opened it.

"Omg this is sick" and he hugged me.

"And for you" I turned to Jason. I gave him his card and present. He opened the present.

"Omg Nicole! Thanks it's amazing. I'll wear it everyday!" he smiled and put it on.

He hugged me and kissed me.

"Turn it around" I said.

When he turned it around his fave said it all.

"Its amazing thank you so much" he smiled.

"You're welcome. I love you"

"I love you too and I gotta go to the loo be right back" and he went off.

As I was getting a drink I saw Holly in the corner of my eye go into the men's toilets.

I sneakily walked over and stood outside listening.

"Get off me. I don't love you. I love Nicole. Don't try and kiss me again."

"Please Jason. I'm better than her. I know you love me"

"No I don't"

"C'mon Jason I'm not leaving till you tell me you love me. Your not going either."

That's it I'm walking in. As I walk in Holly pushes herself on Jason trying to show me they were kissing.

"Get off him! Don't try and tell me he came onto I heard the whole thing! Get out" I yelled.

With that she walked out.

"Jase follow me outside for a minute"

"I didn't do anything I swear" he pleaded.

"I know I just need a bit of air. So I walked out and he followed.

"Thank you Jase for not cheating on me even though she was throwing herself at you" I smiled.

"I feel..Since the day I met you... I've never been with words. I wanted to be more like Ziggy coz he always knows what to say." he rambled on

"So are you gonna ask to kiss me or"

I'm not a total mug" he interrupted. He leaned it and kissed me. After a minute or two we pulled apart.

"Right we better get back in there then and I forgot to tell you that you look amazing tonight" he smiled.

"You don't look to bad yourself Jason" I flirted.

He took my hand and went back in.


Tonight was amazing! Right now we are at my house just going through the door.

"You wanna show me how much of a man you are?" I flirted.

"Yeah" He came over to me. He kissed me after a few seconds I kissed back. He put his hands on my waist as mine was around his neck. He licked my bottom lip for entry and I obliged. Soon his hands travelled down to my thighs and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around him.

He carried me into my room. He sat me down on the edge of the bed on his lap. He started kissing me passionately again. My hands travelled down to his top and slipped it off revealing his abs. I let my fingers trail down them while still kissing him. He started kissing my neck while his hands unzipped my dress.

He threw my dress to the side. He continued kissing my neck but stopped at my breasts to take a moment to unclasp my lace bra.

He carried on kissing my flat stomach. He took me off his lap and laid me down on my bed climbing on top off me.

As he was kissing my neck I managed to off his jeans revealing his boxers. His lips returned to my mouth while rubbing me through my knickers. I moaned as he slipped his hand in there while continuing in the same motion. He pulled my knickers off and put his head down and slipped his tongue in. I moaned and grabbed his hair as he slipped two fingers in.

My leg tensed.He stopped and laid down. I sat on his legs and felt his cock pressing up. I stroked my hand on his body until I reached his boxers and pulled them off. I opened my mouth moving it up and down until his soldier stood to my attention. He moaned as I swallowed his cum. We rolled over so I was laying down. We kissed more. He stopped for a minute to get his condom on. After he was ready he climbed back on top of me.

"You ready babe?" I nodded.

I moaned loud as he entered me. He thrusted in more and faster everytime. I couldn't hold it in any longer and moaned his name loudly. He picked up the speed until we couldn't go anymore.

He laid back down beside me and took his condom off while panting.

"Now that was the best sex I have ever had" he said in and out of breaths.

"Me too. This can be your other present" I smiled.

"I love you Nicole "

"I love you Jason"

I rested my head on his muscular chest and fell asleep.

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