Chapter 1

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*Payton's POV*

I just got out of bed to get ready because all the boys and Kennedy are coming over for a BIG sleep over thing, that Taylor just had to have.

I decide i wouldn't have shower because I had one the night before. I plugged in my hair straightener and waited for it to heat up while I was waiting I plugged in my phone and played Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer.

After I straightened my hair I put on my normal make some liquid eye liner and mascara and some pink baby lips.

For my outfit I had a mint tank top and one of Cams hoodies and some flower leggings.

When I got down stairs Taylor was freaking out because he didn't know what bandana to wear. He's such a dork.

I went in the kitchen to get all the snacks ready, when 2 hands wrapped around my waist. I instantly knew it was Cameron because he just lets him self into our house when ever he wants.

"Hey beautiful" he whispered in my ear, he always does that. "Hai" I said back.

*Cameron's POV*

I was all ready to go to Payton & Taylor's I had like 3 hours before it started so I just went to there house any way because I was bored and they wouldn't care.

When I walked in Taylor was making a vine so I ruined it and asked where Payton was.

I made my way into the kitchen Payton had her back turned so I wrapped my arms around her waist trying to scare her but she knew it was me. I whispered in her ear "Hey Beautiful" she blushed which gave me butterfly's, yes I have a crush on my best friend but I knew she would never like me.

After an hour of helping Payton in kitchen, we went up to her room and made random vines listening to her music.

We were spinning around together when we collapsed on her bed I was on top of her and I leaned in and surprisingly she did to.

*Kennedy's POV* ( bet you didn't see that one coming)

Me and Luke were hanging at my house he was helping me get ready for Payton and Taylor's Party thingy.

I put on a British flag baggy t-shirt and jean shorts. For make up I had some eyeliner and mascara and I just put some baby lips on.

I had an hour before I had to leave so me and Luke just watched Pretty little liars, even tho luke didn't like it he still watched it.

* 1 hour later *

I had to go I told luke id be back sometime tomorrow. I hopped in my black jeep with flames and made my way to Payton and Taylor's. I blasted Amnesia. And soon enough I was at Payton's house.

*Payton's POV*

Me and cam were dancing and spinning and we fell on my bed he was on top of me and he started to lean in and so did I.

His soft lips touched mine, and they started moving in sync after a few seconds we pulled away due to the doorbell ringing.

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