Chapter 8

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♡Payton's POV♡

After we all got settled in our rooms we went out to eat.

We went to McDonald's, I got a 6 piece nugget meal and the boys and Mahogany got burgers.

It was about 10pm by the time we got back to the hotel and tomorrow was our Magcon, I was super nervous.

Once Matt, Cam and I were in the Hotel I changed into pj's and layed in bed, 5 minutes later Cameron came into bed he wrapped his arms around me, I feel asleep a few minutes later.

☆Kennedy's POV☆

I was standing back stage at the 5sos/1D concert watching the boys play Don't Stop, I was singing along until Zayn and Louis came and scared the shit out of me, Me and Zayn were pretty close, and Louis reminded me of Payton, because he's always so loud, funny and always bubbly.

*After the Show*

We went back to the hotel and Niall had the idea of going swimming so we all went down and when I say we I mean Luke,Calum, Ashton, Michel, Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Me and kaylyn.

We were all swimming when Harry came up to me and said "Does Payton have a boyfriend?"

Harry and the boys only met Payton once and Harry seemed to have a little crush on her!

I replied to his question with a "no" he had the biggest smile on his face, before I could say anything about Cam and her, he swam away really happy.

In a few days all of Us were attending Magcon. Like 5sos, 1D, Kaylyn and I.

When we were done swimming we went to our rooms I had a quick shower and braided my hair, I put on my pj's and feel into bed and passed out.

♣︎Kaylyn's POV♣︎

Kennedy was passed out on her bed and I was sitting on my bed watching Harry Potter after my movie I fell asleep.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to Niall jumping on my bed yelling that he was hungry and we that we had to get our lazy asses out of bed or he's gonna die of starvation, I got up, had a shower, straightened my hair and I put on light make up, For my outfit I was wearing a 5SOS t-Shirt, Jean shorts and for my shoes a pair of Red vans Calum got me.

We made our way to Denny's for breakfast and I remembered about the movie I was watching last night and decided to piss off the 1D boys by talking brittish.

Country Girl (Shake it for me) By Luke Bryan started playing so I yelled at Luke who was driving " LUKE TURN IT UP ITS LUKE BYAN OMFG I LOVE THIS SONG OH AND HE HAS A NICE ASS" I said in a Brittish accent, the boys gave me death glares, Niall laughed and Calum said " I THOUGHT YOU SAID I HAVE A NICE ASS" we all laughed.

We had 2 days before we met up with the magcon group. And I couldn't wait.

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