Chapter 2

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*Payton's POV*

Me and Cam went down stairs he grabbed my hand. All the boys and Kennedy were here, Taylor suggested to go swimming everyone agreed there was like 15 of us good thing our pool is huge. i changed into my mint bikni. Right as i finished tieing the back up Cameron walked in.

*Kennedy's POV*

I changed into my pink bikini and sent a text to luke saying he can come over and join us and that we'd be in the pooooooolllll.

I was walking down the stairs when i saw Carter and Nash laughing, and thats when i fell down the stairs Carter and Nash were laughing there asses off that when i relized there was a big toy truck that they put there to trip me. i saw that i got tagged in a vine and i knew it was from them so i chased them into the pool.

After about 15 minutes everyone comes out including luke came out I screamed "LUKKKEEE" I ran into his arms and he just laughed.

Me and Payton were sitting on the edge of the pool and we saw luke and Cameron talking then the started walking over to us, we knew what they were gonna do so we went along with there plan and when they went to push us we got up and pushed them in.

*2 hours later*

We swam for about 2 hours and now everyone was changing I changed into my cat onsie and sat on the couch and waited for everyone to come down.

*Payton's POV*

After swimming I went upstairs to change, I was right in the middle of changing when Cameron burst through the door, I screamed but not to loud and he looked up and turned around apologising, he walked out so I can change.

I changed into my moustache onsie and put my hair in a messy bun I told Cameron he could come back

In and he came and sat on my bed, he pulled me into his lap and said "Payton, I think I love you, NO wait I do love you"

*Kennedy's POV*

I love luke Hemmings

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