Chapter 6

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☆Kennedy's POV☆

After Payton and the boys dropped us off me and Luke went upstairs because he wanted to talk to me.

Once we were in his room, he sat me on the bed and started kissing me, after a few minutes micheal came in "Hey luke. WHAT THE HELL!! Luke jumped up and scratched his neck. " I'm guessing you haven't asked her yet" asked me what I questioned.

"willyouGoOntourwithme" Luke said really quick. I screamed YESS but let me ask Jack.

With that I left to go home.

Once I got home Jack came running up to me. He hugged me tight it was weird but we were really close so it was ok

Soon I asked him " Jack? Considering your going to magcon can I go on your with luke?" He looked at me with that face he always give me when I ask things about Luke. "Kennedy you know how I feel about that kid, but......... Yes you can go but you have to come to magcon a few times deal? " DEAL I screamed. I texted luke,

To: Lukey😍❤️🍁

Guess what...

Jack said I can go!!! When do we leave? 😘

From: Lukey😍❤️🍁

That's great love❤️ and In 2 days, pack for 5 months. Gotta go BAI babe 😘💛

I started packing and it was now 12pm and I was tired I just passed out on my bed.

*Luke's POV*

I couldn't believe Jack said yes considering he was going to magcon.

It was now 1Am and me and the boys were up horsing around. Soon enough Callum was knocked out Him, Ashton and mike were drunk off there asses it was so funny.

It was now 3am and I was really tired I decided to go to bed.

♡ Payton's POV♡

I woke up in Cameron's arms, he was so cute when he slept it was 10:30am, I was still in Cams grasp when we woke up " Good morning Beautiful" he said in his morning voice, I blushed.

I got out of bed and went down stairs to see Taylor on vine, I decided to scare him, I walked up to the back of the couch and screamed into his ear " OMFG PAYTON WHAT THE FUCK YOU COCK FACE" he screamed, at this point I was laughing so hard, about a minute later Cameron came down dressed and ready for the day. I went into the kitchen to make eggs for us.

*Cameron's POV*

After Payton went into the kitchen I sat down beside Taylor on the couch and I whispered into his ear " Did you send Bart the video?" He nodded his head yes and said " She's coming! He said she's a part of the team." I laughed, " Oh and cam" yeah I answered " I give you permission to date my sister" I got up and screamed " HUG ME BROTHER" that's when Payton came out with 3 plates full of scrambled eggs and 3 glasses of orange juice.

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