Chapter 14

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♡Payton's POV♡

When we got back to our hotel room we were to lazy to go out to eat so we got Room service.

Harry and Niall had to leave our room because they were getting diffrent rooms, Kennedy was gonna be staying for the rest of magcon.

Kaylyn hadn't made up her mind.

Tomorrow all of us were going to the One direction concert. To be honest I couldn't wait, this would be my first real one direction concert, I've been a fan since the beginning so when I met them I was like omfg.

We had 2 more months left of magcon. (Pretend it's June) and when we got back I had to go to school. Photography school yay.
I didn't know about kaylyn.

I was planning on becoming a photographer, I always take photos of guys, when there at my house.

Cam said I should be his Photographer. I just laughed.

After Harry and Niall left we had Shawn and Hayes come into our room.

So now it's

Cam, Me, Hayes, Shawn

Aaron, Taylor, Nash and Mahogany

Carter, Jack g, Jack j and Matt

Then Liam, Zayn, Ashton and Micheal

Harry, Niall Louis and Luke

Kennedy and kaylyn had there own room with Calum.

After we were all settled in, we watched Zoey 101, man I miss that show.

Me and cam were on one bed and shawn and Hayes were in the other one. I was cuddled up to Cameron when I got a text


I'm staying for the rest of magcon then going back in tour. Can't wait to spend 2 months with you😊💕




oh. Fuck I forgot about school😅 fuck school, I'll be a pot dealer😊


do you have any stain less steal pots?😂 NOOT NOOT😈


holy shit. I remember NOOT NOOT, I screamed it and Kennedy looked up and was like omfg...😂❤️ but I guess I'm going to school haha fml.


good. I didn't want to be a loner with KENNY at school😂 we'll night bb😘

After I put my phone down and cuddled into cam and fell asleep.

~Next morning~

I woke up at 11:30 Cameron was up watching something on the Disney channel. "Good morning beautiful" he said kissing my lips.

"Morning Weirdo" I said back

I got up and had a shower, I forgot to lock the door when I heard cam "Payton? Can I join you" he asked "How bout you go ask Taylor and see what he says" I said he groaned and left.

After my shower I straightened my hair, and put it in a bun, I had no make up on, for my outfit I had a pink tank top on and a pair of jeans. I gonna change before the concert, it doesn't start till 5:30pm.

It was now 12:15 and shawn and Hayes were up.

We decided to go for lunch, we went to Mcdicks. I got a six pack of nuggets it's the only six pack I need.

*1 hour later*

It was now almost 2 and we were leaving at 3. We went back to the hotel, I took my hair out of the bun and curled the ends, for make-up I put some eyeliner and mascara and light pink lipstick on.

My outfit was a Pink strapless dress that stopped a few inches above my knees and I wore pink vans.

It was now 2:50 and we were meeting every one down stairs,

When we got down stairs we saw everyone.

Kennedy was wearing a 5SOS crop top thing, black shorts, her hair was wavy with a black bandana and she hade a 5sos guitar pick neck less and a bracket that said "wrists are for bracelets" and black converse, she even took the ability to change her phone case to the 5Sos boys.

And Kaylyn was wearing a Starbucks muscle tee, dark blue jeans, her hair was in a nice bun and she had black toms on.

We finally made it we were in the front row like all of us. We were watching soundcheck. Then it was time for the show.

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