Chapter 4

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* Cameron's POV*

I woke up on the floor I checked my phone 8:30am damn is it early. Everyone was still sleeping, I decided to make pancakes, eggs and bacon for everyone.

As I was mixing the pancake mix Payton came into the kitchen I smiled at her and she smiled back.

After I made the pancakes. Payton helped make eggs because she burns bacon, last time her and Kennedy almost burned the house down.

*Payton's POV*

I helped Cameron make breakfast, it's was really awkward so I spoke up "Cam I'm sorry for Taylor snapping on you" it's fine he replied. "I just want you to be mine" he whispered in my ear

15 minutes later everyone was up and eating, it was pretty quiet till Luke spoke up " CALLUM HAS A GIRLFRIEND ABSHDBDH" me and Kennedy froze, "who" Kennedy said.

Kaylyn. Me and Kennedy stared at each other then Screamed OMFG KAYLYNS DATING CALLUM. "Wait kaylyn from school" Taylor asked? We nodded our heads Kaylyn was mine and Kennedy BEST FRIEND, we all were so close till we all lost contact.


We both yelled Jack J and Taylor were just sitting there like I can't believe were related.

*Kaylyn's POV*

I was gang in out with Calum, Ashton and Micheal, Luke was somewhere but I forget.

We were all watching frozen and I kept yelling " SHUT THE FUCK UP" every time ASHTON and Micheal would sing do you want to build a snowman at the top of there lungs.

Calum said that we are going to a friends house because Luke's there and his other friends want to hang out and that they all want to meet me. I was excited to meet the boys that they all hang out with.

We all got into Calum's car and started driving I blasted my music and soon enough we were there I looked up from my phone to realise we were at Payton and Taylor's I haven't talked to Payton in about 2 years. "Why are we here" I asked " This is where Luke and the guys are" Ashton answered

Then I realised Kennedy was dating luke and she's jack J's sister and that he was in magcon.

As we walked in I heard to screams " KAYLYN ITS YOU OMFG WE HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER OMFG AHEHDB" Payton and Kennedy screamed I hugged them and we went to Payton's room to catch up.

*Payton's POV*

Kaylyn and I have been best friends since preschool and we were super close and then we lost contact 2 years ago.

* 1 hour later *

It was now 6:30 and we were just horsing around in my room like we used to when Taylor came In " GET YOUR ASSES READY WERE GOING TO TACO BELL BITCHES"

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