Chapter 7

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♡Payton's POV♡

After we were done eating Taylor pushed me back into my spot and said " Payton I need to tell you something really important" to be honest I was quiet scared " Come on Taylor just tell me" I said " OKAY IM GOING TO MAGCON AND I GOT YOU INVITED SO PLEASE COME, YOUR GONNA BE SINGING WITH SHAWN, THATS WHY WE WERE OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR I WAS RECORDING YOUR VOICE SO I COULD SEND IT TO BART PLEASE DONT BE MAD ANDIGIVEYOUPERMISSIONTODATECAMERON" he said that like it was nothing. " Taylor I'm not mad" I looked over at cam who had a big smile on his face. " wait what was that last part" I question him. " Payton you can date Cameron, but if he hurts you I'm killing him. Now will you please come to magcon with us?" My mouth was dropped open and screamed " YES TAYLOR I WILL COME WHEN DO WE LEAVE" in 1 day " TAYLOR CANIFF I HAVE TO PACK RIGHT NOW!!! OMFG"

* Cameron's POV*

I can't believe she agreed to go! I can't wait to spend 5 months with her.

She went upstairs and Taylor said " I got to go get some stuff do u mind staying with Payton" he questioned I replied with a no, after he left I went upstairs to her room she was running around freaking out, when she saw me she smiled.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, she kissed me on the check I grabbed her phone off her desk and plugged it into her speakers I turned on Hey brother by Avicii.

Payton started packing she grabbed her mint coloured suit case and put in on her bed, she started grabbing clothes and placing them in her suit case.

I was grabbing clothes with her when I came across her underwear and bra drawer I opened it and Payton screamed "CAMERON DALLAS STEP AWAY FROM THE DRESSER." I turned around and said " you just as loud as your brother.

About an hour later Payton was done packing, I realised I still had to pack I said good bye to Payton and Taylor and ran to my house.


* Taylor's POV*

It was 6:30am and we had to be at the airport at 8 so I got up and went to Payton's room " COCK FACE GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED OR YOUR NOT GOING TO MAGCON" I Screamed at her seconds later she got up.

I left her room and got ready we were meeting Cameron and Both jacks at the airport ( I know Taylor DOSENT live in la but for this story he does) every one else went back home. About an hour later Payton comes down dressed and ready.

When we got to the airport we found Cameron and both Jacks, Cameron had Starbucks one for him and one for Payton. " CAMERON DALLAS WHERE IS MY STARBUCKS YOU GOT MY SISTER ONE BUT NOT ME. I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND JESUS CHILD" I screamed then Payton said " Jesus is always the answer" every one started laughing.


♡Payton's POV♡

Once on the plane I was sat in the middle of Taylor and Cameron, Cameron by the window and Taylor on the outside.

The plane was about to take off when Cam grabbed my hand he knew I never liked the plane taking off or landing.

About 15 minutes later we were aloud to get our phones and stuff out so I took out my phone and headphones and turned on Springsteen by Eric Church.

I placed my head on cams shoulder and fell asleep.

I was waken up by Cameron poking my nose " get up the planes about to land" he said I got up and he held my hand.

Once off the plane Cameron still had our hands together. We soon meet up with the rest of the boys and headed to the hotel. Kennedy and Kaylyn were on tour with One direction and 5 SOS but would come see us sometimes.

Once we reached the hotel we all got assigned rooms Nash, Hayes and carter. Jack, Jack and Jacob. Me, Cameron and Matt. Taylor, shawn, Aaron. Maghony got her own room.

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