Chapter 24

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♡Payton's POV♡

I was woken up by the boys singing,


Its time to get up in the morning,in the morning.

Got McDonalds breakfast for you


Why any other brand


We drove 2 miles to get it


So you have to get up and eat it


You lazy bunch of children Harry you crazy boy

Don't be selfish

So you got to get up, time to get up

You gotta get up, its time to get up

Its time to get up, its time to.get.up, its time to.get.up


Its time to get up (wake up)


It's time to get up!



" IM UP, IM UP" I screamed

I decided not to have a shower so I just dressed in sweatpants and one of Shawn's sweater.

♤Kaylyn's POV♤

We were all at Shawn's house, we had about 2 hours till we get to pick up Calum and the guys, and Payton. We were watching Sponge Bob cuz who doesn't like Sponge bob right?

I got bored and started playing some random game where u grow weed. Haha

I was SOOOOOOOO exited to see Calum. I get bored with out him,

I was so caught up in my game I didn't notice the time, we were leaving to go the airport.

*Skip the Car Ride*

*Cameron's POV*

After Taylor found out that Payton was with the 1D and 5SOS boys, I was filled with anger, one she lied about were she was going, and two she was with Harry.

We were all good again, Taylor was still Pissed at me, I was talking to Kennedy about me trying to win her back, Kaylyn won't ever forgive me.

We arrived at the airport and I saw them her beautiful brown hair was in a side braid, she saw shawn and ran to him, they are Best Friends so I can't get mad.

♡Payton's POV♡

After 2 hours on the airplane we were in Canada oh how I loved Canada!

We were walking I saw everyone, Shawn saw me, I literally saw his eyes light up, I ran to him and have him a big hug.

While I was running I saw Cameron check me, I miss him even tho I shouldn't.

We all went back to Shawn's Magcon was Tomorrow and The boys Concert was 2 Days after.

*Shawn's POV*

*At the airport*

We were waiting for Payton and the boys.

We waited for about 5 minutes and then I saw Payton she was so Beautiful, Yes I have a crush on her, and now that Cameron broke her heart I can try to win her.

She started running towards me, I wrapped her in a hug, she smelled like sugar. "Hey beautiful" I whispered in her ear, I could feel her cheeks get hot.

We all went to my house, we were gonna have a movie marathon.

After everyone changed into Pj's we all got comfy.

Me and Payton on the love seat, Nash on the chair, Luke, Kennedy, kaylyn and Calum on the couch, and the rest of the guys in bean bag chairs on the floor.

We were watching Chucky, Finding Nemo, and Harry potter.

We were in the middle of Chucky when Payton got scared so I laid down with her cuddled into me. She kissed my cheek and continued to watch the movie at ever scary part she put her head into my chest.

Payton fell asleep at the end of finding nemo and the rest of us fell Asleep in the middle of Harry Potter.

*The next morning*

♡Payton's POV♡

I woke up in Shawn's arms on the love seat. I blushed a little. I think I was falling for shawn.

It was 6:30 am so I fell back asleep.

I woke up again to the smell of bacon, I got up and shawn wasn't there and only Taylor, Cameron, Aaron and Louis were awake, I walked into the Kitchen, shawn was cooking Pancakes, eggs and Bacon.

"Morning Sleeping beauty" shawn said with a smile, I blushed and said morning. He kissed my check and we started talking about how magcon was while I was gone.

Soon Louis came in " Can I have food yet" he asked "Go wake up everyone and then you can have food" I said.

Soon everyone was up and eating breakfast.



Okay so here's your update 😏

Hope you guys enjoy.

Do you guys like Cameron and Payton or Shawn and Payton???

Also go read my new book "Stay with me" it's a shawn mendes book.


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