Chapter 11

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☆Kennedy's POV☆

Tomorrow we are meeting the magcon boys and Payton in Florida for Magcon and the next day the boys had a show.

All the Magcon fans were gonna be shocked when they see 5sos and 1D on the same stage as The Magcon boys.

We were in London right now and the boys just got back from there show. Me and kaylyn just stayed back and hung out.

When the boys got back me and kaylyn were passed out.

~Next Morning~

It was 5:30am and we had to be getting to the airport at 6:30. I was complaining to Ashton that it was to early and we should just go back to bed. He just laughed and kept walking to the car.

When we reached the airport. We were directed to a private jet. Kaylyn started jumping up and down because she had never been on a private jet.

It was a 12 hour flight to Florida ( idk if that's true just made it up ) once we were up in the air kaylyn was passed out on Calum's shoulder, Niall was eating food, Louis was doing something that only he would do, Zayn was fixing his hair, Liam was yelling at Louis to smarten up, Ashton was on twitter, Luke was making food for Niall, Michael was reading fan fictions and Harry was asking me stuff about Payton, I still didn't have tho courage to tell him about Cameron and her wheeling or what ever the fuck there doing.

~12 hours later~

It was no 6pm and we were lading. The boys, Payton and Mahogany were meeting us at the airport.

♡Payton's POV♡

We were heading to the airport to pick up Kaylyn, Kennedy and the boys. Niall and Louis have been texting me non-stop on how excited they are to see me, I've grown close to Niall and Louis, they are my bbif (best BRITTISH Irish friend).

We were at the airport waiting for them the boys were sitting on the ground while me and Mahogany were chatting until we heard a loud pitch "PAYTON" it was Louis he was running towards me and knocked me down in a hug. "Omg Louis watch it" I laughed then Niall came up and Squeezed the life out of me "Can't breathe Niall" he let go and laughed.

All the boys bro hugged lol. And me Kaylyn and Kennedy just chatted.

We made our way back to the hotel.

Since we didn't make rooms yet we made them now.

Kaylyn, Callum, Taylor and Aaron

Kennedy, Luke, Mahogany and Nash

Ashton, Micheal, Liam and Zayn

Cameron, Me, Harry and Niall

Louis, Hayes, Carter and Shawn

Matt, Jack j and Jack G.

♣︎Kaylyn's POV♣︎

After the rooms were decided, Kennedy was talking to me " shits gonna go down in Payton's room" she said with a laugh. "Why" I asked " we'll Cameron and her and wheeling or some shit and Harry likes her a lot! He wouldn't shut up about her on the plane" Kennedy said with groan.

So apparently Payton didn't know Harry liked her, we'll this is gonna be interesting.

We all got settled in when I got a text from Payton,


Niall wants us all to go swimming your room up for it?

I asked the boys and the all agreed so I texted her back,


Yeah meet you down there in 10.😆

After that I set my phone down I grabbed my light blue and black swim suit and changed in the bathroom, I had no make up on so I didn't have to take it off and I put my hair up in a bun. The boys were all ready so we made our way to the pool.

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