Chapter 19

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When I opened the door I saw.......

♡Payton's POV♡

When I opened the door to mine, Kaylyn, Cams and Nash's hotel room, I saw Cam and some blonde bitch half naked making out on our bed.

I just started balling. Kaylyn and Nash saw you could see the anger in there eyes. Cameron that bitch noticed us "It's not what it looks like Payton" Cameron yelled.

I just ran down the hall till I ran into Shawn and Taylor.

They saw I was crying and you could hear screaming coming from my room.

" What's wrong PayPay" they both asked

"Cam-Cameron ch-Cheated on m-me" I chocked out. Taylor told shawn to stay with me while he ran to my room.

Shawn brought me to his room.

♣︎Kaylyn's POV♣︎

When we got in our room Cameron was on Payton and his bed half naked making out.

Payton ran off crying after he said " It's not what it looks like"

Me and Nash started freaking out on him " CAMERON FUCKING DALLAS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT SLUT" Nash screamed. " YOU LITTLE FUCKING CUNT MUFFIN, YOU BROKE HER HEART!!!! IM GONNA WREAK THAT FACE OF YOURS!!! SHES MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU WENT AND CHEATED ON HER WITH THAT WHORE." I screamed I was about to go beat the shit out of him when Nash healed me back and Taylor came running in with anger on his face, the blonde slut wAs getting her clothes on in the Corner when Taylor jumped on Cameron started beating the shit out of him. I just stood there and laughed. The blonde whore was still in the room " GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I BEAT YOU UP" I screamed she ran pretty fast.

Nash and I had to pry Taylor off of Cameron.

Cameron's nose was bleeding and he had bruises forming on his face and 2 black eyes.

I walked out of the room to go find Payton. She was with shawn in his room she was on the phone with someone. She hung up a few minutes later. " Kaylyn can you go get me my stuff please I'm leaving" she said. My heart broke to see her this upset and she's leaving and won't tell anyone where she's going. I went back to our room and got all her stuff.

♡Payton's POV♡

I was in Shawn's room, I didn't want to stay here with him anymore, I know it would break Taylor's, Shawn's, Kaylyn and Kennedy's hearts to leave so early.

Shawn was in the bathroom so I decided to call the only person that wasn't here....

Authors note🍔

That was a great chapter,

Who do you think Payton's calling?

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