Chapter 20

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♡Payton's POV♡

I called Niall.

*Phone convo*

N: Hey PayPay what's up?

P: N-Niall where are you?

N: Payton why are you crying? And London? Why

P: Cameron cheated on me with some blonde slut. Can I come on tour for you for the rest of the Magcon tour??

N: Course you can Love, I hate to see you hurt, when you leaving?

P: Tonight.

N: okay text me before you bored the plane and I'll come pick you up okay love?

P: Okay bye Ni

N: Bye love.

*End of call*

Kaylyn came into the room just as I was hanging up. I asked her to get all my stuff, from our room, a few minutes she came back with all my stuff.

Taylor came in with Nash.


I lied and said home. He said okay and went to go get food for us.

Shawn and Nash went to help him. Kaylyn came up to me and said " Taylor May have bought that but I didn't where are you going?" Kaylyn asked. I couldn't lie to her so I told her " You promise to not tell the boys, you can tell Kennedy, but no one else" I said " I promise" she said back.

" Okay I'm going to see Niall and the boys on tour, for the rest of magcon. I'll be back. For school." I said. She just nodded and hugged me. " I'm so sorry Wonton" she said I just nodded.

I'm flight was at 4 Kaylyn said her and Kennedy will take me to the airport.

It was 2:30 magcon started at 3:30.

The boys were gonna leave early. I said Bye to everyone but Cameron, he looked pretty beat up, Taylor must have beat the shit out of him.

Shawn was almost crying " I'm gonna miss my Best friend and Singing buddy" he said with a frown I hugged him and said " I'll miss you to, I promise to text you a lot" he just nodded and walked off with the rest of the boys, while me, Kennedy and Kaylyn, went back to Kennedy's room to hang out.

* Cameron's POV*

I really fucked things up with Payton. All the boys were ignoring me, Taylor probably told them. My face hurt like a mother fucker, Taylor almost killed me, I deserved it considering I just broke his twin sisters heart. I love Payton and I don't know what came over me, I even lied to her about who I was texting.

The girl I cheated on Payton with was this girl I met at a meet and greet she was really pretty she had long blonde hair and these beautiful green eyes her name was Alex. She wasn't as Pretty or Beautiful as Payton, but I cheated on her.

When the boys said she was leaving it broke my heart, that I hurt her that much that she's leaving. She was saying good bye to the boys she just death glared me.

When at magcon none of the boys even looked at me. Some fans asked what happened to my face before I could answer Taylor said " I beat the crap out of him because he cheated on my sister, that's also why she's not hear." Every one seemed pissed at me too, great now all my fans hate me to.

I just lost the love of my life, now she's going some where, she told Taylor she was going home. But I highly believe that.

☆Kennedy's POV☆

I'm glad Taylor beat the shit out of Cameron, Payton really liked him.

We were taking Payton to the airport to fly out to London to meet up with Niall and the boys, we were gonna meet up with them again in Canada so it was okay, and me and Kaylyn would probably fly out to see Luke and Calum anyways.

When Payton's flight was called I hugged her tight and told her to call and text everyday and to make sure luke wasn't cheating but he probably wasn't. kaylyn said bye to Payton and she left.

When we got back to the hotel all the boys but Cameron were in my room.

We went for supper and because no one really wanted to go to the club we all went back to our rooms and fell asleep considering it was 10:30.

*Niall's POV*

I was at the Airport with Louis waiting to pick up Payton she was gonna stay on tour with us for a month and a half.

I saw Payton and she ran up to us, Me and Louis hugged her tight, and brought her back to the hotel with us, in the car she fell asleep so I carried her up to my room and placed her In my bed and let her sleep.


How'd ya like that chapter?

This is my last update for today.

I'll update a lot tomorrow😘


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