Chapter 17

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*Luke's POV*

I got up to my alarm going off, it was 5:30, we had to be at the airport by 7:30.

Kennedy and Kaylyn were staying but we were gonna meet with them again when in Canada.

We were touring The USA and England then Next month Canada and Europe.

Kennedy, Kaylyn and Calum knocked on our door. I hugged Kennedy and kissed her.

We were leaving to go to the airport we left kaylyn and Kennedy at the hotel because they were gonna go back to sleep.

♣︎Kaylyn's POV♣︎

After Calum and the boys left, I went back up to mine and Kennedy's room.

I feel asleep considering it was 6:15 am.

We were leaving today at 3pm to go to Las Vegas.

~4 hours later~

I got up at it 10:15 am and had a shower. After my shower I put my hair in a messy bun. I decided not to wear any make-up because we were gonna be on an airplane for half the day.

We went for breakfast and then Nash came to my room to hang out for a bit, before we had to leave.

We were watching Harry Potter because it's one of my favourite movies, we had an hour before we had to go to the air port, so we sat on the bed and watched Harry potter. I soon fell asleep on Nash's chest.

I woke up to Nash Tickling me "Nash! Can't breathe omfg" I screamed. He soon stopped and told me to get my ass in gear and get ready to go the airport, he was already ready and so was Kennedy.

After about 15 minutes we were leaving. We meet everyone down stairs, then got into the 2 rental cars Bart, got for us.

We had to be on the plane for 2 and a half hours.

I was sitting my Nash and Aaron and across from Kennedy, Payton, Cameron.

After in the air, I put in my head phones and laid my head on Nash's shoulder and put on Amnesia and fell asleep.

♡Payton's POV♡

I wasn't tired so I didn't fall asleep, it was me, Cam and Kennedy in a row and across from us was Kaylyn, Nash and Aaron.

Cam fell asleep on me. And me and Kennedy were talking about her and luke. They've been dating for about 5 months now.

After about 10 minutes kennedy and Luke were face timing.

We had about 15 minutes left on the plane so I woke up cam.

After we landed we got to the hotel, and got our rooms

Me, Cam, Kaylyn and Nash

Kennedy, Aaron, Mahogany and Hayes

Taylor, Shawn, and Matt

Jack g, Jack J and Carter.

It was 5:30 when we got settled in our rooms, we were gonna be here for 4 days.

Tomorrow we had magcon, and the next day too.

The boys wanted to go swimming again, so I texted Taylor.

To: TayTay❤️😜🍔

Hey bro, were going swimming wanna come. If so wanna text Carter and ask while I text Aaron? Luv ya💕

Fr: TayTay❤️😜🍔

Hey PayPay😊 sure. Meet you in 10. Luv ya tooooo❤️

After I texted Aaron

To: Aaron💁💚🐱

Everyone's going swimming so get your buts down there in 10💛

He answered with "Kkkkkkkkkk"

After I got changed into a bright neon pink bikini and put my hair into a messy bun.

About 5 minutes later we went down to the pool and soon every one else came.

We were horsing around in the pool for a few hours till Kaylyn was complaining that she was so hungry she was gonna die.

We all decided to go to Jack in the box.

We went upstairs, I changed into some sweats and a one of Cameron's sweaters.

After we got back it was 11pm. And I was super tired. Me and Cam were I. One bed and kaylyn and Nash were in the other.

I was to tired to change so I just climbed under the covers and cam climbed in a little bit later, I cuddled into him and fell asleep.


hai. How you liking the book😆

We'll I'll update again today.


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