Chapter 15

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♣︎Kaylyn's POV♣︎

We were all at the 5sos, 1D concert they were just about to start, I was super excited, don't even know why, they started 5 minutes later.

Calum kept looking at me and making kissy faces at me 😙. There first song they played was She looks so perfect. About an hour later, they were almost done, to close them selves out the played Amnesia, I looked over at Payton and Cameron he had his arms were wrapped around her waist from the back she was holding his hands, she saw me and smiled, I smiled back.

I'm glad my best friend was happy again and that she was over that douche who hurt her.

♡Payton's POV♡

Cam had his arms wrapped around my waist from the back, I was videoing the boys sing my favourite songs "She looks so perfect, don't stop, kiss me kiss me, good girls, heartbreak girl and Amnesia" right now they were playing Amnesia me and cam were singing along.

I noticed kaylyn looking at me I smiled at her and she smiled back.

I'm glad she has Calum, her last boyfriends were dicks, like before she was dating Calum she dated this guy names Luke he hated me and Kennedy for being to "Annoying" he tried to rape her, but Calum beat the shit out of him, to this day he still tries to talk to her but Calum always threatens to beat his ass again.

But now she's been talking to him again, for some reason she trusted him and he took her for lunch, after her took her home and tried to rape her, good thing Calum, came into her house before anything could happen. Luke soon got arrested and is now in jail for rape.

5 SOS were now done it was now intermission.

Cameron went to get me a pretzel and Kaylyn a pop. I was talking to kaylyn and Kennedy when some guy squeezed my ass I turned around to see someone I never wanted to see for a while....


Kennedy and Kaylyn are gonna hate me for that but yolo.

Who do you think it was??😬

Remember to follow me on Instagram @Payton_jordanna and on my magcon account @Magconslxys

Also follow me on twitter @Paytonoffical__


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