Chapter 12

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*Cameron's POV*

Niall had the idea of going swimming and I was all up for it, especially that I got to see Payton in a bikini, she was in the bathroom changing.

She came out a few minutes later I was already ready and so was Niall we were just waiting on Harry, I didn't really like that kid.

5 minutes later we were heading to the pool almost everyone was there, Payton went and sat on the edge of the pool with kaylyn and Kennedy. I jumped into the pool splashed Payton and the girls, Payton gave me death glare I sent her a wink. I looked over and Harry seemed pissed.

Payton got up and plugged her phone into her stereo thingy and started playing Homeboy by Eric church, he was one of her favourite country singers.

♡Payton's POV♡

I plugged my phone into my stereo and played Homeboy. Cameron looked at me and smiled her knew it was by Eric church one of my favourite singers.

Kaylyn started screaming the words, I went and sat back down where I was but kaylyn was now in the pool I was just sitting there till I was now in the pool and when I came up Louis was laughing his ass off " ILL GET YOU BACK TOMLINSON" I yelled, he just laughed and walked to the hot tub.

Me and Niall were splashing each other when I was suddenly on Taylor's shoulders, he said we were playing chicken it was me and Taylor against Louis and Harry. "Your going down Tomlinson" I said as we started. I won and Louis started whining that I cheated.

After about an hour and a half of swimming. We all went back to our rooms.

I had a shower and changed into my fox onsie Cam got me for Christmas.

The boys were watching the little mermaid, me and cam were sharing a bed and Niall and Harry were sharing on. I went and sat down on the bed with cam, he kissed my check and heard Harry groan and the an "ow" from him cuz Niall hit him.

Me and cam were laying together and I soon fell asleep in his arms..


It's shorter than the other chapters, because I don't know how to end the chapter so I ended it like that.

I have updated a lot these past days probably because Kaylyn and Kennedy are like UPDATE THE BOOK. Yes the girls in the book haha.

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