Chapter 13

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*Harry's POV*

We all went swimming, I liked the magcon boys but that Cameron kid pissed me off.

He kept flirting with Payton, I know she wasn't mine, but I still got jealous.

I wanted her. I groaned when Cameron kissed her head, then Niall hit me pretty hard.

I wish I was laying in bed with her and not that stupid Cameron kid.

*Niall's POV*

I could tell Harry like Payton but Cameron beat him to that,

Payton and I are really close she's one of my best friends that's a girl. I wouldn't trust her with Harry, he lives in London and she lives in LA that's a little far away, more like far away.

I love Payton as a friend and I don't want her to get hurt by Harry because he's a prick when it comes to girls.

Her and cam were sleeping and so was Harry I was gonna talk to him tomorrow to lay off of her.

Soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

♡Payton's POV♡

I woke up at 7:30, that's pretty early unless it's for school.

Cameron, Niall and Harry were still sleeping, We had sound check at 10:30.

I already had a shower last night so I didn't have one.

I curled my hair in ringlets, I put on some liquid eyeliner and mascara, I put light pink lipstick on.

Before I woke the boys up I was gonna change, it was now 8:15, I changed into a Hello kitty T-Shirt, Jean shorts and a pair of my Galaxy vans.

I was about to wake up Harry and Niall, when Taylor came to the door. "hey sis, the boys still sleeping", he asked, I nodded " Want me to help you get them up" he asked I just smirked.

Taylor had his air horn to wake up Niall and Harry, while I woke cam.

A few seconds later all you could hear was the air horn and Harry screaming me and Taylor were laughing really hard.

Cam got up before he blew the air horn.

*1 Hour later*

We were down at the breakfast place and it was 9:30 we had half an hour till sounds check.

We were making our way to sound check, Cameron intertwined our fingers together😊

We have been at sound check for 30 minutes and right now, Kaylyn is on Nash's back, Luke and Louis are fighting with pool noodles, Cam was running around with my over his shoulder, Kennedy, Taylor and shawn were dancing to the music, Hayes, Mahogany, Aaron, Harry, Niall, Liam and Ashton were singing very badly. And the rest of the guys were doing god knows what.

They 1D played 2 songs to practice and so did 5Sos.

After them we did an Q&A we were just asking each other random question just for practice, then it was mine and SHAWNS duet, shawn plays a few of his songs before I come out, tonight we were practicing Roar by Katy Perry.

After sound check we all hung out till Taylor came back with Taco Bell, we all are and then 5 minutes later we did Magcon.

*Cameron's POV*

Today's Magcon is gonna be great because I was gonna ask Payton to be my girlfriend in front of all the fans, the boys and 5sos were helping and also Niall and Louis.

We were doing our meet & greet after the show.

After we let the fans in and they got in there places we announced 5SOS and One Direction and the fans started Freaking out, for awhile we were horsing around to some music Payton was over my shoulder and Kaylyn was back on Nash's back those two were pretty close.

After we did a Q&A.

After a half an hour of that it was time for me to ask her out, Payton was off stage with Kennedy, Kaylyn and Mahogany,

"Now I have something very special" I started into the mic,

" Kennedy, Kaylyn, Mahogany Can you bring Payton out here" I asked

When they started coming on stage, Shawn started playing her favourite song, Springsteen By Eric church

All the boys were singing and Harry, Liam and Zayn were singing with shawn.

I took Payton's hands in mind and looked into her eyes "Payton we've known each other forever and I can already say I love you! Will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked I saw most of the fans were crying, she looked over at Taylor who just nodded his head. She started tearing up nodding her yes then she got it out of her mouth "Yes, yes a thousand times yes" I hugged her and kissed her fore head, I could tell Harry was pissed.

Shawn then said " Now it's Time for my duet with the Lovley Payton Caniff, Everyone welcome her" every one started cheering.

♡Payton's POV♡

I couldn't believe Cameron just asked me to be his girlfriend and course all the guys and the girls helped him out. I was crying because it's the sweetest thing anyone has every done for me.

After that it was time for mine and Shawn's duet, today we were singing Blown away by Carrie Underwood, everyone was sat on the floor.

After mine and Shawn's Duet, 5SOS played Amnesia and She look's so perfect, after them 1D played Story of my life and Happily.

After Magcon we had the meet and greet, many girls came to meet everyone.

There was this girl who looked awfully familiar flirting with Luke he seemed annoyed with her and she wouldn't leave him alone. I nudged Kennedy and she saw.... Hell was gonna go down. I soon realised who it was, it was Kesha from school, kaylyn saw who it was she started at Kennedy and she started videoing it.

☆Kennedy's POV☆

When Payton nudged me to look at this chick flirting with luke I instantly knew who it was. It was Kesha. Me, Payton and Kaylyn went to school with her. I was gonna beat the shit out of her.

" Hey Kesha it's Kennedy from school how bout you leave my boyfriend alone and get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you" I said with smirk, that when she pulled luke to her face and started kissing him.

I got really mad and fucking ripped her off and started beating the shit out if her.

I knew kaylyn was videoing it cuz I saw her, Aaron had to rip me off of her, she had a bloody nose and bruises forming on her face, she got up and ran, Luke was apologising. But I said " It's fine I've always wanted to beat the shit out of her" he laughed.

After the meet and greet which was 15 minutes after I beat the shit out of her, we all went up to our rooms, during the meet and greet I heard people call Payton a " Skank, Hoe, Slut" and also " Your to ugly to be Cameron's girlfriend and Taylor's sister" I saw that it hurt her a little and Taylor and cam heard cuz they looked a pissed.

When we got to our rooms we got room service and stayed up watching random movies on TV.


That was a very Interesting chapter don't you say.

It was very fun filled haha.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @Payton_jordanna

And on twitter @Paytonoffical__


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