Chapter 25

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☆Kennedy's POV☆

Luke's been distant since he got here, and you know all of this seems to real, like it's not real, but it all seems real, like your emotions, the food, the concerts, meeting fans.

I feel like in reality I'm living a different life.

Louis woke us up screaming some how Kaylyn and Calum ended up on the floor, when I got up luke wasn't cuddled into me like normal.

We all made our way to the kitchen, Shawn had made Pancakes, Bacon and eggs, that reminds me when Payton and I tried to make bacon... Let's just say that didn't turn out right.

We all had different conversations happening, I was talking to Ashton and Mike.

After breakfast we had to get ready for magcon. I had a shower, After my shower, I blow dried my hair and curled it, for my outfit I was wearing a Batman sweater and jeans.

❤️Payton's POV❤️

I decided not to have a shower so I just took out my braid and brush my hair it was wavy and it looked good so I left it, for make up I had on liquid eyeliner, Mascara and pink lip stick.

For my outfit I had a Teal sweater that had Love Pink written on the selves, Grey leggings, an infinity scarf that was Teal with leopard print and brown uggs, I came out of the bathroom that was connected to Shawn's room, Shawn was sitting on his phone, he looked up when he saw me, "Wow, you Beautiful" shawn said, I blushed, he came up to me and pulled me into a hug, I looked up and got lost in beautiful brown eyes, he started leaning in, my heart was racing a 773829 miles per hour, I started leaning in to, I felt his warm soft lips on mine and our lips started moving in sync when we were rudely interrupted by Kaylyn screaming "GUYS THERE GETTING IT ON" I was now really bright red.

*At sound check*

We messed around like normal.

The boys left to get food. Me, Cameron and Ashton stayed behind.

Ashton left to use the washroom. Cameron came and sat by me " The fuck you want dallas" I said with anger. " I wanted to say I'm a wreck with out you, all I've done was stay in my room and cry. It was a big mistake to cheat on you, I love you to much to see you be with shawn" he said, my facial expression changed. I was about to say something when Louis cut me off " WE HAVE FOOD" he yelled.

*Shawn's POV*

When we got back I saw Cameron talking to Payton, she was about to say something when Louis cut her off. I smiled because Cameron looked pissed Payton got up and came to me I hugged her and kissed her fore head.

Magcon was the same fans screaming, wanting autographs, Payton was beside me the whole time I was gonna ask her out on stage. I wrote her the song Life of the Party. No one knew it was about her. The 1D boys were singing RN and Payton was talking to Ashton. I was talking to Taylor when I heard Payton yell " LUKE DID WHAT" every one looked at her...


hey. I'm gonna write 5 more chapters then I'm done.


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