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『♡』written: 1:43pmfinished: 7:47amwc: 554

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written: 1:43pm
finished: 7:47am
wc: 554

minho flinched as he widened his eyes at the sudden noise of his alarm clock ringing. he groaned as he grabbed a pillow that he threw at the alarm clock a few seconds later.

he didn't want to get up nor did he want to go to school. all he wanted to do was to lay in bed forever. but he had to leave the warm comfort of his bed sooner or later because as much as he hated it, he had to attend class.

after complaining about how he didn't want to get up for ten minutes and cursing at his alarm clock, he finally sat up.

his parents weren't home. his dad was at work and his mom was anywhere but home. probably grocery shopping or something.

he turned on his phone and winced at the sudden brightness of the display that his eyes weren't handling very well.

turning it off immediately after, he actually got up. as much as he hated the teachers, he didn't want to argue with one just because he was late again.

he had gone trough that one time, three, even four times and he wasn't looking forward to doing it again since it was a waste of time anyway.

minho headed to the bathroom to get ready. he had 30 minutes left. well, if he weren't to be the whiny bitch he is, he would've been ready by now.

he slipped under the shower, making sure to be on time. he tended to shower longer than necessary because he loved the warmth of the water against his bare skin. and he hated being engulfed into total coldness as he was forced to continue getting ready.

the boy got ready within the next twenty minutes, not even being able to eat breakfast due to his walk to school lasting a good ten minutes.

grabbing his bag and keys, he walked out of the door, making his way to prison.

minho didn't despise school so much because he wanted to stand out or be cool. he genuinely hated most of the people there, even though he tried to find a liking in them, just a single thing he did not dislike, countless times.

but how could he like someone when all they were doing was putting others down?

but isn't that what school is about? putting everyone else down to avoid paying too much attention on how shitty your own life is?

he hasn't always disliked school. back when he lived in korea he lowkey enjoyed if he'd be completely honest.

everything that's important to him was in korea, except for his mom and dad of course.

he had his friends in korea, he had his cat in korea that lived with his boyfriend.

the boy even missed the teachers he used to rant about all the time because he hated some of them so much.

but let's be honest out of all of them he missed his boyfriend the most. he hasn't hugged or even looked jisung in the eye face to face in seven months.

he hasn't been able to kiss him,
or hold him,
or hug him,
or hold his hand,
or just simply walk next to him
in seven months.

those seven months seemed like eternity.

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