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『♡』written: 11:07pmfinished: 11:57pmwc: 1099

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written: 11:07pm
finished: 11:57pm
wc: 1099

when lunch period rolled around, a strange yet delightful atmosphere was kind of present.

mark eventually showed up again which made jeongin the happiest he's been in the past few weeks considering he was gone for two weeks straight.

now the table was engulfed in an awkward silence, with mark sitting on a chair in the middle of everyone, a silently rejoicing jeongin clinging onto him as if there was no tomorrow.

of course everyone wanted answers to why the oldest disappeared for such a long time just to come back out of the blue without any announcement but that was surely pushed aside for now.

because since jeongin wasn't so upset and miserable anymore, everything seemed okay for now. and warming up that topic would just let everything crash down in misery.

though everything crashed down in misery for jisung when he spotted yugyeom in the hallway, wondering why he always had to run specifically into that boy. especially when no one was there, leaving him completely on his own with someone as erratic as yugyeom.

all he wanted to do was to head to the restroom to return to lunch right after, but those plans were presumably cancelled now.

jisung lowered his head, hoping for his newly orange dyed hair to cover up his identity, but that obviously didn't do much for him.

"i can see you, jisung." but the addressed boy didn't show any reaction and stayed stubborn, steadily walking straight ahead.

"that color suits you." yugyeom came closer and closer, considering that he was walking in the exact opposite direction, in jisung's direction.  like two lines that had to cross each other at some point even though they clearly weren't meant to. an unsolved math problem.

just like before, the orange haired ignore him, passing by some lockers which soon turned out to be a misstep.

as soon as they crossed by each other, yugyeom slammed jisung against one of them, arms slammed to both of his sides, leaving him no way out.

the younger flinched as his heartbeat multiplied almost immediately, making his breath hitch as yugyeom's face came dangerously close.

he just wanted to get out of this puzzle made out of eerie conversations and lies and forget about the older's existence forever.

"it's quite funny how you can't even bring out a word now that your friends aren't here to protect you." jisung felt yugyeom's hot breath strive his skin since he was that close. he didn't know whether to panic or stay calm.

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